Pitch POV

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Pitch woke up the next morning, and a wide, happy grin spread across his face when he saw Mikayla draped over his chest, peacefully sleeping after the night they had. Pitch couldn't get the sounds of Mikayla's loud moans of pleasure out of his head, as well as her looks of pure ecstasy, replaying the unforgettable night they had shared.

"I can hear you thinking. Go back to sleep," Mikayla grunted sleepily. Pitch chuckled softly, running his fingers through her hair as he closed his eyes, feeling grateful for the incredible connection they shared. The memories of their passionate night together would be etched in his mind forever.

"I apologize, my sweet girl, but it's already noon. We should probably get up and start our day," Pitch whispered, planting a soft kiss on Mikayla's forehead before gently nudging her awake. Mikayla groaned in protest but eventually opened her eyes, a lazy smile forming on her lips as she looked up at him.

"I hate you," Mikayla teased, her voice still heavy with sleep, and Pitch laughed softly, knowing that she was simply playful and didn't mean it. He couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth in his chest, grateful for the love they shared.

"I love you too, my sweet girl," Pitch replied with a chuckle, pulling her into a warm embrace before getting up to start their day together. The sun was shining brightly through the window, casting a warm glow on the two lovers as they began to make plans for the day ahead.

Mikayla entered the bathroom, and Pitch heard the shower start running as she hummed a soft tune. He smiled to himself, grateful for the simple moments of happiness they shared together. As he began to get ready for the day, he couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment, knowing that he had her by his side.

Hours later, Pitch and Mikayla were lounging in the library, lost in their own worlds as they read their favorite books. The peaceful silence was only interrupted by the occasional sound of pages turning or a contented sigh escaping one of them. The day stretched out before them, filled with endless possibilities and the comfort of each other's presence.

Pitch traced his fingers over Mikayla's hand, a small gesture that spoke volumes about their connection. The simple act brought a smile to her face, solidifying the bond they shared and the love that filled their hearts.

In turn, Mikayla leaned her head against Pitch's shoulder, looking incredibly grateful for the quiet moments they could share together in the midst of their busy lives. The library seemed to wrap them in a cocoon of peace and contentment, a little sanctuary where they could escape from the world outside and simply be together.

Pitch chuckled softly, turning a page in the book he was reading before glancing at Mikayla with a twinkle in his eye, grateful for the simple joy of their shared silence. Mikayla's eyes met his, reflecting the deep understanding and connection that existed between them, making their bond feel unbreakable.

"I hope that you're aware of the fact that I love you," Pitch said softly, breaking the silence between them. Mikayla smiled warmly, and she looked up at him with a softness in her eyes that conveyed her love and appreciation for him.

"I love you too, Pitch," she replied, reaching out to gently squeeze his hand, solidifying the unspoken bond that held them together in their cocoon of peace and contentment. "Because if you didn't, I'd be pissed." Pitch chuckled at Mikayla's unexpected response, feeling a surge of warmth and affection for her.

"I'm glad we're on the same page then," he said, squeezing her hand back with a grin. Their laughter filled the room, echoing off the walls and creating a sense of joy that wrapped around them like a warm blanket.

In that moment, Pitch knew that their relationship was built on a foundation of understanding and humor, making it stronger than ever before. Mikayla's playful honesty was a reminder of why he loved her so deeply, and he vowed to cherish every moment they shared together.

Pitch was grateful for the connection they had, knowing that their bond would only continue to grow stronger with each passing day. As they sat there, basking in the glow of their shared laughter, he couldn't help but feel incredibly lucky to have Mikayla by his side for eternity.

Pitch felt a sense of peace wash over him, knowing that Mikayla was his partner in every sense of the word. Their love was a constant source of joy and comfort, and he was excited for all the adventures they had yet to experience together. 

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