Pitch POV

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The next day, Pitch found himself curious about Mikayla's powers. He understood what was explained to him, but he found himself wanting to see her in action.

She had told him that others found her dangerous, but he had trouble believing that without witnessing it for himself. He decided to ask her if she could demonstrate her powers in a safe and controlled environment, eager to see the extent of her abilities firsthand.

Pitch hurried downstairs with the intent of looking for Mikayla and proposing his idea to her. He hoped that by observing her powers, he could gain a better understanding of who she truly was. He entered the kitchen, and found her there, with an exhausted look on her face.

"Rough night?" Pitch asked softly, not wanting to startle her. Mikayla glanced up, her eyes filled with a mix of weariness and determination.

"You could say that," she replied, a hint of tiredness in her voice.

"Bad dream?" Pitch asked cautiously as he stepped further into the kitchen, and Mikayla made a so-so gesture.

"So it started off as a nightmare but ended well?" Pitch guessed, trying to lighten the mood a little bit. Mikayla just chuckled softly, nodding in agreement.

"Got it in one," she said with a small smile, looking grateful for Pitch's attempt to make her feel better. Pitch poured himself a cup of tea before sitting down at the kitchen table, offering her a comforting presence and a smile.

"Well, I'm here if you want to talk about it," he said gently, letting her know he was there for her. "Anyway, I was wondering if I could see your powers in action." Mikayla hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"Sure, I can show you a little bit," she said, a small spark of excitement in her eyes. With a flick of her wrist, a small flute appeared in her hand, its silver surface glinting in the sunlight that streamed through the windows.

"This is just a small demonstration," she explained, before playing a haunting melody that filled the room with magic and wonder. Pitch watched in awe, feeling grateful for the distraction and amazed by Mikayla's incredible abilities.

As he watched Mikayla play, Pitch noticed the purple in her eyes glowing faintly, a sign of the powerful magic coursing through her veins. He sensed that Mikayla used her music not just as entertainment, but as a way to channel and control her magic, making her an even more formidable force than he had initially realized.

Pitch could feel the magic of her music wash over him in waves, a sensation that both intrigued and slightly intimidated him. His body tingled with the energy emanating from her, and he knew that he would have to tread carefully if he wanted to maintain his own sense of control in her presence.

Her magic felt like a living, breathing entity, swirling around her in a dance of words and sound. Pitch could sense the raw power she held within her, and he knew that he would need to be cautious in how he approached her, lest he become ensnared in her enchanting web.

When Mikayla finished, Pitch could only stare in awe, realizing that there was much more to her than met the eye. He knew that he had underestimated her power and resolved to learn more about her abilities in order to better understand his companion.

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