Mikayla POV

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A few days had gone by, and Mikayla sighed heavily. To Mikayla, Pitch was probably the most unfailingly polite, very witty, independent, contemplative, hard-working, bold, clever, knowledgeable, tenacious, mischievious, kind, ambitious, efficient, very keen, and the most ingenious man she had ever had the pleasure of meeting, but she wasn't going to complain about it.

Mikayla had noticed that Pitch was also extremely patient with her, and he always let her speak without interrupting her, no matter how many times she got riled up or found herself tripping and stumbling over her words whenever she got worked up, and that made her feel safe.

As she spent more time with Pitch, she noticed that he had a great sense of humor, one that more or less matched her own, which she had pleasantly noticed, and he often cracked jokes that made her laugh until her sides hurt and so hard she couldn't quite breathe.

But despite his very quiet demeanor, along with his combination of quick wit and gentle charisma, he was constantly making her feel safe, comfortable, and completely at ease whenever they were together, which she noticed was all the time. His very presence brought a sense of security, as if she could trust him with anything.

Mikayla also noticed that whenever she moved, he moved in sync with her, as if they were in perfect harmony. It was as if he could anticipate her needs and desires without her even having to say a word. Mikayla wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing, but she decided to take it as a good thing because it made her feel very understood and cared for.

She found herself opening up to him more and more, sharing her thoughts and feelings without hesitation. Mikayla had never felt this level of comfort and connection with anyone before, and she couldn't decide if that was a sign of true compatibility or a potential red flag.

Despite her uncertainty, she was enjoying the deep bond they were forming and the way he seemed to truly see her for who she was. It was a new and exciting experience for Mikayla, one that she was willing to explore further to see where it might lead, despite the fact that it scared her a little.

Mikayla let out a tired sigh before making her way to her music room on the third floor. Thanks to a little magic, her music room was bigger than an average room and filled with an array of all sorts, all sizes, and all kinds of musical instruments. The purple walls were adorned with shelves holding every known kind of string, brass, and woodwind instruments of all various sizes and colors, along with all kinds of sheet music.

The steady soundproofing itself was set up to ensure that Mikayla could play her instruments without disturbing anyone else in the house. The room itself was organized, with each instrument having its own designated place, allowing Mikayla to easily navigate through her musical collection and choose the perfect one for her mood.

She also had a perfect state-of-the-art recording setup, which was complete with high-quality microphones and sound mixing equipment that allowed her to capture and produce all the professional-quality recordings she wanted. Mikayla took tremendous pride in her collection of instruments, which ranged from all kinds of guitars and keyboards to all kinds of brass, wind, and string instruments.

The music room was also adorned with posters of her favorite musicians, inspiring her to create music that resonated with her. The music room had an immense window with a large window seat where she would often sit and compose whenever she had a flash of creativity.

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