Mikayla POV

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"So...the two of you seem close," Annara said after walking over to Mikayla so Mother Nature and Pitch could talk semi-privately.

"Oh, don't start. We're just friends," Mikayla said with a tired sigh. Annara raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced by Mikayla's response.

"Sure, just friends," she said with a knowing smile before changing the subject. "You had another one, didn't you?"

"Yeah. I did," Mikayla murmured, her gaze dropping to the ground. "They're getting more frequent."

"Have you told anyone else?" Annara asked, and Mikayla shook her head.

"No, just you and Mother Nature," she admitted quietly. And Pitch, I guess, Mikayla added silently. "I just don't want anyone else to worry." Mikayla snorted softly in amusement when Annara sighed fondly with a shake of her head.

"That is so you. You refuse to let other people bear your burdens, even when they want to help," Annara mused, reaching out to squeeze Mikayla's hand in reassurance. "But remember, we're in this together. You don't have to face this alone."

"Yeah, I know. But sometimes it's hard to ask for help," Mikayla admitted, looking down at her hands. "I just don't want to be a burden."

Annara hummed thoughtfully and nodded in understanding. "It's okay to lean on others sometimes, Mikayla. We're your friends; we want to help. And besides, you've never been a burden," she said gently, giving Mikayla a reassuring smile.

"You've always been there for us, so let us be there for you," Annara added, her voice filled with sincerity. Mikayla looked up, her eyes meeting Annara's with gratitude and a hint of relief.

"Thanks," Mikayla murmured as Pitch and Mother Nature walked over, both looking extremely pleased with whatever they talked about.

"Looks like everything went okay," Mikayla said casually, giving them a small smile. Pitch returned her smile with a small one of his own, while Mother Nature nodded cheerfully.

"So it's my understanding that you were found by Mother Nature and Annara?" Pitch asked after a few beats of silence. Mikayla shot both Annara and Mother Nature with looks of appreciation before turning back to Pitch.

"Yes, they found me and helped me," she confirmed, feeling grateful for their assistance. Annara and Mother Nature exchanged a knowing glance, acknowledging the friendship they shared with Mikayla.

"We were just happy to be in the right place at the right time," Annara replied humbly, her eyes reflecting sincerity. Mikayla felt a wave of gratitude wash over her, realizing she was truly fortunate to have them by her side.

"They helped you grow into your powers?" Pitch asked, and Mikayla nodded, shoving her hands into her jacket pockets, feeling a tad bit overwhelmed by the emotions swirling inside her.

"Yes, they believed in me when I didn't even believe in myself. They guided me and taught me how to harness my abilities," she explained, feeling a sense of pride in her progress. Pitch smiled, looking very impressed by Mikayla's growth and development. "But that hasn't stopped other people from hating me."

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