Pitch POV

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"You wanted to see my powers in action. Come see what makes me so dangerous," Mikayla said with a dangerous smirk on her face as she stalked out the front door, dark purple magic crackling around her fingertips. The air around her vibrated with raw power, sending a shiver down Pitch's spine. Pitch watched her go for a moment, in awe of the sheer force emanating from her.

He knew then that the spirits who had dared attack her home were going to regret it deeply. A moment later, Pitch followed her outside, resisting the urge to scoff at the fire spirit and wolf spirit, who had obviously teamed up together to try and take her down. He knew they had no chance against Mikayla's formidable strength and determination.

"I have your back," Pitch whispered once he caught up to her. Mikayla nodded subtly, her eyes blazing with pure rage as she bared her teeth in a bone-chilling snarl.

"Feyren. Lyka. To what do I owe the...displeasure?" Mikayla growled, her voice dripping with venom, as she addressed the two spirits. The fire spirit, Feyren, who had tanned skin, fire red hair, and wore an orange suit made out of fire, and the wolf spirit, Lyka, who wore animal pelts, had pale skin, black hair, and piercing yellow eyes. They exchanged smug glances before Feyren spoke up in an arrogant voice.

"We're here to teach you a lesson, Mikayla," Feyren sneered, his flames flickering with malice. Pitch scowled firecely, and he felt his own magic reacting to the threat against Mikayla. How dare they threaten someone under his protection.

"You will regret crossing her," Pitch warned, his eyes glowing with a dangerous intensity. The spirits faltered for a moment before Feyren regained his composure and laughed mockingly.

"We'll see about that," he said, raising his hand to summon a ball of fire. Lyka snarled, ready to attack. Pitch stood his ground, ready to defend Mikayla at all costs. Mikayla stood beside Pitch, a feral grin spreading across her face as she summoned her own magic, the air crackling with power around her.

"Let's show them what happens when they mess with us," she said quietly, her voice filled with determination. The battle was about to begin, and they were prepared to fight with everything they had.

"Yes, we will not back down," Pitch declared, his eyes blazing with determination as he tensed and readied himself for the impending clash. Mikayla nodded in agreement, her magic swirling around her like a protective shield. They were a formidable team, and they were ready to face whatever challenges came their way.

Lyka howled and lunged for Mikayla, her claws gleaming in the sunlight as she aimed for her target. Mikayla dodged with agility, countering with a powerful spell that sent Lyka reeling back in surprise. The battle had begun, and it was clear that neither side would back down easily.

"Down, dog," Mikayla snapped before Feyren flung his fireball at Pitch, who dodged it with a smirk. The air crackled with energy as the two sides clashed, each determined to emerge victorious. Pitch and Mikayla looked at each other and gave each other a nod before Mikayla unleashed a loud battle cry and charged at Lyka, who was caught off guard by the sudden attack.

Pitch used the distraction to launch nightmare sand at Feyren, who retaliated with a blast of fire that made Pitch duck out of the way. Pitch summoned his scythe and started swinging it at Feyren with deadly precision, forcing Feyren to focus all his energy on defense.

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