Pitch POV

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A couple of hours later, Mikayla had left for Mother Nature's Domain for game night, but not before insisting that he come and watch at some point, to which he had agreed. As the hours wore on, Pitch found himself missing Mikayla and wishing that he'd just gone with her when she left.

He debated whether or not he should go there and surprise her, knowing she would appreciate the gesture. Finally, he decided to take a chance and headed over to Mother Nature's Domain, hoping to catch the tail end of game night and spend some time with Mikayla.

After teleporting to Mother Nature's Domain, he started searching for Mikayla, phasing in and out of shadows until he finally found her in an open field with Mother Nature, Annara Cupid, and a few others, all of them standing in certain places with Mikayla standing in the very center, a look of concentration on her face.

Pitch fully stepped out of the shadows, smirking a little as Mikayla threw something at Mother Nature, who hit it with a long staff, sending it flying towards Pitch. The thing Mother Nature hit landed directly at Pitch's feet, and he immediately recognized it as a baseball with purple stitching in place of the red stitching. As he picked up the baseball, Pitch realized that Mikayla had created it.

The baseball had a faint, dark purple glow to it, indicating that it indeed was Mikayla's creation. Loud cheers dragged Pitch out of his thoughts, and he looked up to see Mikayla and Mother Nature exchanging high-fives, celebrating the successful run.

Mother Nature looked over Mikayla's shoulder, and spotted him before grinning at Mikayla and pointing in his direction. Mikayla spun around, surprise clearly written on her face, before she spotted him, and a massive grin spread across her face. She waved excitedly, motioning for him to join them in their game, and Pitch walked over.

"Well, hey, there, good-lookin'! You come here often?" Mikayla teased, and Pitch felt himself grow flustered over the fact that Mikayla was flirting with him. He stammered out a response, feeling a rush of excitement at the unexpected attention from her.

"I can't say that I have, actually," he replied with a sly smile, hoping he didn't sound too terribly awkward. Pitch couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence as he engaged in playful banter with Mikayla, enjoying the flirtatious exchange between them as he handed the baseball back to her.

"Hmm. Well, that's just a damn shame, because I could get used to seeing your face around more," Mikayla said with a mischievous grin as she grabbed it, causing Pitch's heart to skip a beat. He chuckled nervously, feeling a mix of exhilaration and nervousness at the same time.

It had been many millennia since someone flirted with him in such a way, and he found himself both thrilled and slightly overwhelmed by the attention. All of a sudden, Pitch couldn't deny the growing attraction he felt towards Mikayla, and he wondered where this playful banter might lead them.

"What is HE doing here?!" A female voice yelled angrily, and Mikayla groaned softly before turning to the person who had interrupted their moment. The woman had brown hair, piercing blue eyes, and she wore a vivid green dress that accentuated her figure. She had a look of pure disdain on her face as she glared at Pitch.

"Senna. There's no need for this hostility," Mikayla said calmly, trying to diffuse the tension. "Pitch is just here to enjoy the game like everyone else." Senna's eyes narrowed as she looked between Pitch and Mikayla, clearly not convinced by her words.

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