Pitch POV

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Every time he looked at Mikayla, Pitch felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Her smile was infectious, and her laughter filled the room with warmth. He knew that she was the kind of person who could brighten his day with just a simple gesture. Pitch couldn't help but feel grateful to have her in his life, knowing that she brought out the best in him.

Pitch shadow traveled to the library, and as he scanned the shelves of books, he couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over him. The familiar scent of old books mixed with Mikayla's presence and scent made the library feel like home.

Someone cleared their throat behind him, and Pitch turned around to see none other than Annara Cupid standing there, her wings fluttering gently behind her. Annara's warm smile instantly put Pitch at ease, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort in her presence.

"I was hoping I'd run into you here," Annara said, her voice soft and inviting. Pitch raised an eyebrow in curiosity, wondering what had brought Annara to the library. Pitch noticed a hint of excitement in Annara's eyes as she bounced on the balls of her feet, clearly eager to share whatever news she had.

"What was so important that you had to come here and tell me in person?" Pitch asked, his interest piqued by Annara's demeanor. Annara squealed happily, practically vibrating with excitement.

"This is about you, Pitch. We need to talk," Annara said, her eyes sparkling knowingly. Pitch raised an eyebrow, forcing himself to adopt a calm demeanor despite the sudden rush of nerves.

"About me? What's going on?" He asked, trying to keep his voice steady. Annara groaned in frustration, clearly impatient with Pitch's calm facade, and she threw her hands up in exasperation.

"Pitch, just listen to me for once! This is important," Annara said, her tone urgent. Pitch sighed, finally dropping his facade and giving Annara his full attention. Pitch didn't want to admit it, but he could feel the weight of Annara's words hanging heavily in the air, causing a knot of worry to form in his stomach. He knew that whatever she had to say was going to change everything.

"All right. What is so important that you had to interrupt my day?" Pitch asked shortly, his curiosity piqued despite his attempt to appear nonchalant. Annara huffed as she plopped into the armchair in front of the fire, her expression quite serious.

Pitch sat down in the other armchair, and waited for her to speak, feeling a sense of foreboding settle over him. He crossed his legs and leaned back in his seat, ready to hear what she had to say. The crackling of the fire seemed to underscore the gravity of the moment, adding to the tension in the room.

"What do you think of Mikayla?" Annara asked, her eyes searching for a genuine response. Pitch's brow furrowed in confusion at the unexpected question, unsure of where Annara was going with this line of inquiry.

"She's my best friend, why do you ask?" he replied cautiously, his mind racing with possibilities. Annara hummed thoughtfully, her gaze shifting to the flickering flames, before meeting Pitch's eyes once more.

"I've noticed some changes in her behavior lately, and I wanted to get your perspective on it," she explained, her tone soft yet serious. Pitch's heart rate quickened as he realized there was more to this conversation than he initially thought, bracing himself for what Annara might reveal about his closest friend.

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