Helping Part Three

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Selena's POV

"Heyyyyy Soul, have you asked anyone to prom yet?" The mission's going great. I could already see Maka fuming. Soul shifts in his seat uncomfortably. "Uhm, n-no, but I'm thinking of asking someone." I smile grimly, grabbing his arm as I drag him outside.

"Okay, dude, when are you going to confess to Maka?" "I-I don't know what you-" I cut him off. "Don't try to deny it, I see it in your eyes. You like her. She likes you. You're not going to get rejected. Do you want to ask her? Or do you need me to help you out?" I channel my shapeshifting powers into changing into the albino in front of me. Halfway through my last sentence, my voice deepens and changes.
Surprise and shock flickers on his face as my red eyes stare into his. Then he looks hopeful. "You would do that? And help me with that kind of thing?" "Why else would I be offering? I'm just that cool." I grin the sharky teeth that fit my new image.

Luma's POV
I hop over to maka who looks like she has a hint of jealously and fear. "Is the all mighty Maka Albarn... Jelly of Selena And Soul?" I say laughing like an idiot "W-What.. No! Not at all!" She says with her face turning a cherry red "I know silly, they aren't a thing. Trust me soul loves someone else. Selena is just helping him ask her, you know how wimpy soul can be" I say rolling my eyes at the last part "especially if its the girl of his dreams" I say winking at Maka "Who are you gonna ask?" "Er... Um..." She says with an embarrassed face "No one, dances aren't my thing" She manages to stutter out. I squint at her "SOULLL!
"SOULLL!" I scream out "ADMIT IT! YOU LOVE SOUULL! YOU LOVE SOUUL!" I skip around screaming clapping my hands like a retarded seal "W-what? No..." she rapidly shouts out embarrassed. "Oh maka... Don't lie to me... you know i can Read..." I say making my hands into a book shape "Your Mind" I say grinning like an idiot and pointing to her head.
"Cmon!" I shout "Lets go ask him!" I shout out attempting to pull her but failing I squint at her and realize what she's thinking, 'Oh my death why was this crazy girl even let into this school' "Hey! Thats rude!" I shout out. "Oh, forgot about your mind." she said "Ugh come on. Lets go find a way to ask Soul. It has to be romantic and adorable!" I say as i start squealing "It must be perfect. Let's go!" I shout as a start dragging her through the crowd Before a boy stops us. "Hey Maka... um so there is the prom and i wanted to know if-" I cut him of by slapping him. "Sorry Hon but she belongs to Soul. Not-" I gesture my hand to the top and bottom of his body "You." I start dragging maka again "Come on! We can't waste any time! Brainstorming time!" i shout at her as we walk into the library. I must have this be perfect! So exciting!

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