My Band Part 2

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The next day, after I finished all my homework, I make sure that Soul wasn't in our apartment-house-thing and plugged my ipod into the stereo as I stepped inside my room. We created a song, but I was charged with the responsibility to think up lyrics. We hadn't performed it or put it on a CD yet. I put it on repeat and all the strewn about pieces came together. On the sixth time, I started singing with it.

"La dee da, yeah

You fled from medication 'cause it only causes pain

You won't go to the doctor, he keeps calling you insane

You're lost even when you're going the right way

You mean the world to me even though you might be crazy

 And you said we wouldn't make it

But look how far we've come

For so long my heart was breaking

But now we're standing strong

The things you say make me fall harder each day

You're a trainwreck

But I wouldn't love you if you changed!

No, yeah!

I took your hand and you pulled it right away, yeah

You asked me to dance instead. I said, "No way!"

Inside I was dying to give it a try and you begged me, so I stayed

I knew you were different from the way I caved."

As I finish, I bow to my imaginary audience. "What song is that?"

Maybe not quite as imaginary as I thought. I whirl around to see his head popped into the room, and I felt shocked and horrified. He'd heard me singing! "Your voice is amazing," he gives me a crooked grin that makes my heart beat 10 times faster. "You sound exactly like Emerald Shadow." I smile in relief. He hadn't figured it out. My band name was Emerald Shadow, because of my eyes, and my favorite color was black. "And I made that song," I glare, daring him to call my bluff, "and if you are going to argue, you can leave."

Time skip brought to you by: All the SoMa fans wanting to get to the interesting parts! At noon the next day...

"Hey, Maka, do you want to come to the Darkness Dragons' concert with me tonight?" I look at Soul suspiciously. "Is that a date?" Externally, I ask calmly. Internally, I'm panicking, because he's asking me on a date, and I'm going to be performing tonight. "y-yes," I look up to see him blushing slightly. I have to figure out a way to get out of this one. "Sorry, I have an obligation tonight." His shy expresson turns into something more like disappointment and jealousy. "Oh," is all he says. I feel terrible, and I don't want to do this to him. But it's for the sake of my career. 'That's the thing. Love or the career?'

That night...

I pull the microphone to my lips, about an inch away. I begin to sing the lyrics that I created.

"You said we wouldn't make it

But look how far we've come

For so long my heart was breaking

And now we're standing strong

The things you say, you make me fall harder each day

You're a trainwreck

But I wouldn't love you if you changed!

Oh, oh, yeah

...One more thing I thought I'd share with someone special

I'm falling like I've never fell before

It's funny you said we'd never make it and look how far we've come

You're a trainwreck

But with you I'm in love!"

I see a flash of white spiky hair in the crowd, and try not to let it bother me as I continue singing. But wait, when I was being normal, I said that I created this song while I was being a normal person, right? Oh, this is confusing. Hopefully he doesn't remember the lyrics. When the concert finishes and all the fangirls leave, I see Soul push through the crowd toward me. I walk forward and meet him halfway at an impasse. I smile and say, "I've heard a lot about you. I love your music." "Really? No way!" "Totally! I love The Phoenix! It's my favorite song ever!" We start chatting and fangirling about each other's music. When I finally smile at him apologetically and said half-pouting, "Sorry, but I have to go. My friends are waiting." I turn, but before I leave, he snatches a pen from his pocket and takes my hand, scrawling his number on it. My smile grows. "Call me!" he yells over the clamor, and we separate.

I head over to my friends, my smile wider than it has ever been. "Your cheeks are red," Tsubaki notes. "What?! They are not!" Liz gasps. "YOU MET A BOY!" She gasps even louder a second time. "YOU'RE IN LOOOOOOOOOOOVE!" We continue to the bathrooms, me blushing even more, if that was possible, and they start fangirling when they see my palm. "Trouble is, he knows me as two people: the emo singer Emerald Shadow and bookworm Maka Albarn."

They gasp. "you mean, you KNOW HIM FROM YOUR INCOGNITO LIFE?" I nod silently. "And he said that he has a crush on the singer side of me to the college student side of me. I have no idea if he likes the other side of me, though." They all simultaneously scream. "SHIP! SHIP! SHIP! SHIP! SHIP!"

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