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Small bio:
Your name: (y/n)
Gender: Male
Age: 16

Location: Angel Island
Time: night
No pov:

It was dark out as the stars were twinkling across the sky. The Master Emerald was shining like a light green star which a red echidna was leaning on it while sleeping. On top of the Emerald a light green aura began to shape as a translucent Echidna comes into being.

 On top of the Emerald a light green aura began to shape as a translucent Echidna comes into being

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"Hmmm.... It feels like a storm is approaching." She said in worry. "I'm not sure the people of Mobius can handle this storm.... They will need a hero to fight this storm." She adds as she then puts her hands together and begins to glow very brightly. "Huh? What! Who goes there!?!" A angry red echidna yells out in anger as he was woken up by the light which died out and there was nothing around. "Huh? Must've been nothing." He said as sits back down and goes back to sleep.

Your pov:

"Ughhh...... is it day already?" I groaned as I felt bright lights hitting my face. "Man, I was having a good dream." I sighed in annoyance as I opened my eyes to see sky. ".......When did the hospital have an open sleep area?" I asked myself in confusion as I then sat up to see that I was in a forest for some reason.

".....Ok was I tossed out and left for dead?" I said as I looked around. "Seems like a bit of a lot of time and work wasted on stranding me instead of a simple pillow?" I said as I looked around and I looked to see that my body was blue and I only had shoes on? "What?" I said in confusion as I looked around to see a small pond nearby. I then began to crawl my way until I noticed that I could feel my legs. "Wait? I have control of my legs?" I said in surprise as I then slowly begin to stand up.

"Woah!" I yelled as I struggled to stand. "So this is what standing is like!?" I said in surprise as I struggled to walk my way to the pond which after a few minutes of stumbling and making sure to keep my balance, I managed to reach to the pond. I then looked down and I gasped in shock.

 I then looked down and I gasped in shock

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"I'm Sonic!?!" I yelled in shock. "Woahhhhhh.... This is soo weird." I said as I held up my hands in amazement. "Is this a dream?" I asked myself as I pinched myself and yelped. "Nope! Not a dream." I said as I stared at the reflection of me. "Huh, I never really Sonic's head was this big?" I said as I tilted my head a bit to get a good look.

"Also, it's suddenly a tiny bit weird having this tail above my butt." I said as I felt that appendage move. "Hehe. It even feels funny when it's wagging." I giggled for a bit. "So.... I'm now Sonic.... This is awesome!!" I yelled in excitement as I jumped up and fell to the ground on my back. "Ok..... maybe I should learn to walk and stuff before jumping." I said with a laugh.

"But still! This is a dream come true!" I yelled in happiness as I slowly stood up. "I never thought I would be able to stand or have a time where I'm not stuck on the hospital bed for all my life." I said with tears of joy. "And what better then being the most awesome hedgehog who ever lived!" I said as I wiped the tears away. "I wonder hey thou?" I added as I began to think about that.

"I mean, why was I given this chance to feel alive and not laying on bed forever? Maybe I finally died from sickness and God let me have a second chance to be able to move?" I said to myself. "Eh! I suppose it's something that I probably not gonna know. Especially with me standing around here." I said as I looked around.

"I guess the first step is to get my walking and stuff all normal feeling before I do anything........ crash like." I said as I began my training on using my legs.

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