Road Trip

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Your pov:

It was a nice day and so far we have been walking on the trail for three hours. "Chaos emeralds signatures have been found. Putting them up now." Nicole said as she then pulls up a radar where eight dots were on screen. "How come there's eight?" I asked as I looked over Nine's shoulder. "Oh! Hold on, I forgot to take the master emerald out of the equation." Nicole said. "Master emerald?" Fiona and Sally both asked in confusion.

"Just a bigger and powerful emerald. It has a different energy signature that I doubt Robotnik would have." Nine answers as a dot disappears. "So how exactly do you have data on this master emerald?" Fiona asks. "I've been to dozens of zones and I made sure to gather data incase of any emergencies." He answers her. "So how exactly did you travel from zone to zone?" I asked him.

"I built a small gadget from scrap when I....." he began but trailed off. "Uhhhh, he was punted by an even grumpy guy who is...." I then trailed off as I have no idea what to add to cover Nine's backstory "forget it! I was punted because I almost destroyed some worlds because of some stuff and now i just want to live my life of solitude in peace!" Nine answers. ".....Well.... At least I'm glad that you told me the truth...." Sally awkwardly said.

"I mean, I was a thief. So you have my respect." Fiona says. "Sorry." I said. "You really did not hold out that information." Nicole said in disappointment of how easy it was for me and Nine to tell them a bit about Nine. "Anyway, I built a gadget from scrap and I used it to explore zones and get enough knowledge until I needed to find a nice place where I don't have to run into a speeding blue hedgehog." Nine says as he then looks at me.

"Although, apparently summoning or reincarnated was not something I thought of..." He said in deadpanned annoyance. "Or a black and red grumpy hedgehog that calls says they're the "ultimate life form."" He says with an air quote on ultimate life form. "Then I made sure that there was no one with the name Miles Prower." He says.

"Why just Miles Prower? Also who is that?" Fiona asks. "That's my real name. Unlike Sonic and Shadow. I have an actual first and last name." He says with a grunt. ".....Your name is Miles?" Fiona says. "Yes. Is that a problem?" Nine asks with an eyebrow raised. "No, I just think that it's an adorable name." She says. "Oh! Well ummm.... Thank you." Nine said with a blush as Nicole and Sally giggled at his reaction for some reason. "Wait? What happens if Robotnik gets your device?" Sally asks in worry.

"Oh snap! I didn't think of that!?" I yelled in worry as well. "Relax, I already destroyed it. I didn't need it once I found this world. Also, I have the knowledge to build another one in here?" Nine answers as he points to his head. "Oh thank goodness." Me and Sally sighed in relief. "So how far is the nearest chaos emerald?" I asked Nine. "Ummm.... About 700 miles west." He answers. "700 miles!?" Me, Fiona, and Sally yelled out. "We can't walk that far in time. The emerald could be taken by then!" Sally yells out.

"Well there's a town about five miles from here. Maybe they will have a vehicle we can buy?" Nine suggested. "Don't you have any vehicles? Like a plane?" I asked him. "I had to stay low to avoid being seen and stuff." He says plainly. "Well I guess we're buying a car. Hopefully it has good air conditioning." Fiona says as we made our way to the town.

Time skip

We had arrived to town and currently we were looking for a car shop but so far there is no luck. "Ughhh!! I can't believe this town has no car shop!" Nine growls. "Well walking is the most common way to travel. Cars are only really used in big cities like Central City." Sally told Nine who then groans.

"Alright. If we're gonna find anything to travel. Then we're gonna have to branch out options. Let's split up and ask around for a vehicle that we can have." Nine told us as we nod and split up to find a vehicle to use. I was at a small park asking people around, but unfortunately this town doesn't have people who travel much. "Huh. Maybe this town doesn't have anyone that would have a vehicle of some kind?" I said to myself as I stood there.

"Hey! Stop it!" I heard a voice yell out as I turn to see a bunch of girls who seem to be picking on someone. "Grr... not on my watch." I growls as I zoom towards them and began running around the bullies to make them dizzy. I then stopped blocking the bullies away from the person they were bullying. "Alright you crazy punks! How about you leave before things get even more serious." I told them with a harsh glare. "Ughh! Fine! We have better things to do." One of them said as all of them walked away.

"Good. Glad I didn't had to make things even more dizzy for them." I said as I turned around. "Hey are youuuu-" I trailed off when I saw the person in question. "Wow! Thank you! No one has ever stood up for me. Wait? Oh my gosh! You're the hero of Mobotropolis!! I didn't think I will be able to meet you! And this quickly! You were awesome back there! "Oh! Where are my manners. Hehe! Hi! My name is Millie. Millie Prower." She said as she held up her hand.

" She said as she held up her hand

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