Speeding rules!

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Your pov:

It was the next day and Nine had various of gadgets around a chair and a table.... Where does even get this stuff? I don't think I seen a box that could fit all of those stuff? "Today, we're gonna focus on speed control. Sooo..... Run." He plainly said. "Right now? Don't we need some sort of safety measures or something?" I asked him. "I said RUN!!!" He yells as I quickly began running straight into a tree.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!" I heard Nine laughing as I fell to the ground and he was coming closer. "Oh man.... I am sooo glad that I was watching that. Hehehe.... Nicole!! Please tell me that you were recording that!?" He called out while laughing. "I'm a computer! I'm always recording!" She called back as I slowly gotten up. "Okayyyyhahaaa.... It appears that you don't have much control on your speed.... Tell me. Are you keeping your eyes close?" He asked me. "Not really.... I think? I go way too fast to tell." I answered him.

"Hmmm.... Maybe you need to control how you increase your speed." He says as we walk back to the table and he then begins setting up a treadmill. "Seriously!? Where is this stuff coming from!?" I mentally thought as he finishes setting it up. "This treadmill is designed to handle speeds that any speedster can reach. I want you to run at normal speeds. I will at some point increase the speed by a little and you will try to match the speed of it until we reached to a point where you can get used to it. This will either result in the machine blocking up, you breaking it, or you going so fast that you will somehow run faster then the treadmill can reach.... I'm hoping it will blow up with you running on it." He told me as I got on the treadmill and it begins moving.

Nine pov:

It had been a few hours and so far he's seem to be going at a steady pace and is able to match the treadmills speed so far. He is currently at speeds at a 476 miles per hour. Not bad for a regular speedster but the actual Sonic can go faster than that. Of course that is based on the number of Sonics I have seen so far. "So what do you think? Is this good enough or continue measuring my speed?" (Y/n) asked me as I sighed and put my drink onto the cup holder on my chair and got up.

"I suppose this is fine." I said as I turned the treadmill off. "I think the next thing we should work on is changing direction." I told him as he jumps off the machine. I then picked up some cones and I began placing them down at certain spots. "Next, I want you to practice turning by running around these cones like number 8." I explained to him. "So run around and increase my speed by a small amount?" He asked me. "Yep. Just like the treadmill." I said as he began running at normal speeds.

"Now, I want you to practice on the treadmill and turning everyday for two hours each, each morning until I deem you are done." I told him. "Got it! .....Do you have a watch I could use?" He asked me as I groaned. "No.... But Nicole can keep time for you." I answered. "After those four hours I will teach you some fighting moves since you are most likely gonna face enemies. You won't believe how many times I have been to a world and I was attacked by some pointless villain." I grumbled that last part.

"Sounds awesome!" He yelled excitedly. "Yeah, yeah, yeahhh.... It's "awesome."" I air quoted as I monitor his turning. "I knew I should've made my new home in that post apocalyptic world where everyone is dead. I just had to be a sucker for sunsets." I sighed of how my life has went. "So what are we doing after this?" I heard (y/n) asks as he had began to pick speed. "Just some simple spin jumps." I answered. "Alright!" He yells out in pure annoying happiness. "I reallllllllllllly should've gone with the apocalypse world. I could've have all the parts and silence to myself...... although, the only downside to that would be limited food and safe to drink waters." I thought with a sigh.

??? Pov:

I jumped out of the window as I heard shouting coming from behind me. "Hehe! That was an easy steal." I grinned as I pulled out a shiny gem from my pocket.

" I grinned as I pulled out a shiny gem from my pocket

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"This baby is gonna set me up for life." I thought happily until I was nearly hit by a laser. "Freeze! That was your warning shot!" I heard the dumb guard yell out. "Smoke bomb!" I yelled as I through a smoke bomb and ran off and making sure to dodge from all the laser fire. "I gotta hide somewhere?" I thought to myself as I was running through the village looking for a place to escape. I then noticed the woods. "Perfect." I smirked as I quickly ran into the woods to hide from the guards.

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