Nine the Dime

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Your pov:

"I think I almost-!!" I yelled as I crashed into a tree. "Ow." I muffled as fell backwards. "Boy.... It's certainly not easy having speed like this.... How did Sonic even get used to this when he discovered his speed?" I asked myself as I slowly got back up and rubbed my head. "Then again.... I did just recently learn to walk.... And properly at that." I said as I looked back to see all the stuff that I had it.

"Maybe I should try running at normal speed before I do super speed." I suggested to myself as I began to practice running at normal speed through the forest. "Ok.... I think I'm getting the hand of this." I said with a smile as I was feeling the wind flow through my quills as I ran through the forest. "No wonder Sonic likes to run. The wind feels nice... I can't wait till I try super speed." I thought as I continued running until I reached to a clearing and I saw a campsite.

" I thought as I continued running until I reached to a clearing and I saw a campsite

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(Imagine it being black with yellow door flaps.)

"Whoops. Looks like I entered a campsite." I said as I slowed down and stopped by the tent. "I guess it could be good to ask directions." I said to myself as I looked around. "Although where is the people who set up camp?" I wondered as I was suddenly nearly hit by a laser. "What the?!" I yelled a laser then hits the ground by my feet as I covered my eyes from the dust.

I began to cough as I felt some had gotten into my mouth. "Bleh!! That was terrible!" I said in disgust as I spat the dirt out as I looked up to see a blaster being pointed right at me. "Oooo...." I said in fear. "You better have a very good reason to being here?" The person growled as I looked up to see Tails?

 "You better have a very good reason to being here?" The person growled as I looked up to see Tails?

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"I won't repeat again." He said as his gun begins to hum. "I just stumbled!? That's all!" I yelled in fear as the scary Tails moves his gun down a bit and then had a wide eyed expression. "Sonic?" He said in surprise. "Uhhhh.... Sort of?" I shrugged as he then lowers his gun and pull out a strange looking gizmo which begins to scan me. "Uhhh.... What are you...." I began until a ding cam from the gadget which stops me.

"Fascinating." He said as he began mumbling to himself as I studied this strange Tails until I realized who this was. "Your Nine!?" I gasped. "Hmm?" He said as I quickly got up. "You're the dark, edgy version of Tails from Sonic Prime!?" I said as I got close up to him which he responded with a small push with one of his metal tails. "I don't like being referred as Tails." He grunted.

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