Vs. King Coconuts

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"Mwhahahahahhahahahahahaha!!!!!!! Prepare to meet your end!" Robotnik laughed as the king Coconuts began to swing its gigantic hammer at the squirrel and hedgehog. The two then jumped back as the hammer slams on the ground. "Alright Robo Monkey! Prepare for a vigorous head spin." (Y/n) said as he began running around the King Coconuts, who then swung its tail to hit the hedgehog but was knocked back by the kings sword.

Then (y/n) suddenly zooms straight to the King Coconuts in the head knocking its crown off. The robot begins to stomp its foot angrily as it then does a screech and a bunch of smaller monkey bots, known as Coconuts, began running to the battle.

 The robot begins to stomp its foot angrily as it then does a screech and a bunch of smaller monkey bots, known as Coconuts, began running to the battle

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"What up with the siren on their heads?" (Y/n) asks in confusion. "It does seem like an odd design choice." Elias says in agreement. "Hey! I build the robots! And I design them how I like them to look!" Robotnik yelled. "So was the spike shoulders a last minute thing to make them look cool?" (Y/n) asks. "Grrrr!!! Rip him in half!" Robotnik yells as the coconuts began charging at the two while the king coconuts was putting its crown back.

The two heroes charges at the robots and began destroying wave after wave and all the while avoiding the King Coconuts hammer. As Robotnik watches in frustration of seeing his robots being destroyed until a gasp from Belle snaps him for his frustration. "What?" He asks. "Dad! This crystal is measuring in extraordinary degrees of power!" Belle says as she shows him the data. "Fascinating.... Of these readings are correct, then this must mean that we are in the presence of one of the seven chaos emerald!" Robotnik yells in glee.

He then grabs the emerald and holds it up high. "With this Emerald! I could tap into the potential of what this thing can do!" He laughs evilly which catches (y/n) attention which he then runs towards the king coconuts, jumps on past its shoulder which catches its attention as it begins to swing its hammer at the hedgehog. (Y/n) then jumps on a coconuts and kicks his way up to where Robotnik was at. He zooms up and spins upside down to then grab the emerald. "Yoink!"

(Y/n) yells out as he flew past with the emerald in his head. "Hey! Huh?" Robotnik says as he turns to see the king coconuts hammer coming at him and Belle. "Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" The two yelled out as the hammer hits their eggmobile and launches them to the sky. "Ahhhhhhhh!!!" They yelled out until they were gone from view. The king coconuts looks at where Robotnik was at with wide eyes as it then raises a hand to where its mouth would be at.

"Hyahh!!" The king yelled as he cuts the King Coconuts tail which enraged the robot until it was hit in the back by (y/n) who did a homing attack. "We have to stop this invasion before all of Mobotropolis is destroyed." The king said as slash's at a group of coconuts. "Don't worry. That's being taken care of." I said with a smirk.

High in the sky
Egg fleet
Eggfleet main hanger

"Hmmmm.... All these buttons just keep flashing. Do they even do anything?" A Eggpawn asks from a standing computer terminal. "I always thought they were there to make this spot look less empty?" An Eggpawn said. "What exactly do most of these do?" An Eggpawn sitting at a pilot seat says. "Glad I don't have to worry about this." An Eggpawn said as it was mopping up the floor. Then the door bursts open as Rouge comes flying in and throws a bunch of small explosives everywhere until the place was clear of all EggPawns.

"That was a bit unnecessary." Nicole said as Rouge flew to a computer terminal and plugs Nicole in. "Eh, I certainly wasn't gonna wait for them to start attacking me." Rouge said with a shrug. "So how long will this virus start working?" She asks as the alarms start going off. "Right now. May I suggest a tactical retreat." Nicole says as Rouge unplugs her and throws an explosive at the window which she used the broken window to fly away as the egg fleet begin to slowly crash down away from the city.

Down in the streets all the robots began to short circuit and start collapsing. "Hooray! The invasion is over!" A civilian yells out as everyone was cheering. Back with Nine, Fiona, and Sally they saw the robots were falling. "They did it! This invasion is good as done!" Sally yells with a smile. "Of course it worked. Nicole isn't programmed to fail." Nine says with a proud face.

With the King and (y/n) they watched as the king coconuts began to short circuit. "And right on time. So your majesty, care to deliver the final blow?" (Y/n) offered with a smile. "Gladly." He says as he runs to the malfunctioning robot and slashes the robots head in half which also knocked the crown off. "Looks like this king has been dethroned!" (Y/n) yells out as Elias sheaths his sword. "Ironic, considering that I am also a king." He says as he glares at the sky. "If only we got a chance to arrest Robotnik." He grumbled to himself.

Meanwhile in the sky

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" Robotnik and Belle were yelling until the eggmobile managed to stop itself from going any further. "Grrrrr!!! That cursed Hedgehog! Command the fleet to focus fire on the castle!" Robotnik yells out in anger as Belle, who was still a bit dizzy, pull out her tablet only to see that the signal to the fleet was gone. "Problem." She said as she hands him the tablet. "What!" He yells as he looks through and pressing random buttons.

"Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!" He yells out in fury as he then throws the tablet out of the eggmobile. "My two years of planning! Gone!?! Grrrahhhhhh!!!" He yells in frustration until he collapse onto the seat. "What now?" Belle asks. "Looks like we're gonna have to start with plan B." He sighs. "But we don't have to power source to power it!?" Belle tells him. "No, but I think we know seven little gemstones that can." He says with an evil grin. "Set course back to the Death Egg! There is planning to be done!"

He yells out as he points to a direction. "........Ummm.... You're the one with the pilot controls, dad?" Belle tells him. "Oh right." He says as he sits down and begins flying north.

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