Hired and Off

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Your pov:

"Oh man this food is sooo good!!" Fiona says with her mouth full of food which I can totally understand. "Tell me about it! The hospital, the lake, and Nine's sandwiches are nothing compared to this! Of corse, my taste buds never really worked when I was in the hospital." I said as I was munching on cheeseburger. Currently me, Nine, Fiona, and Sally were currently in the guest room which Sally brought us this amazing food that I never thought was possible to exist.

"Hehe. I'm glad that you love the food." Sally said with a giggle. "What do you mean my sandwiches aren't as good as this?" Nine asks in suspicion. "Uhhhhh....?" Me and Fiona began saying unsure how to respond. "Anywayyyy, there's something I would like to discuss with you three. If it's ok with you, that is?" Sally asks us. "Sure!" "Alright...." "Meh." Me, Fiona, and Nine said. "Alright..... My brother and I want to hire you to find the chaos emeralds and hopefully stop Dr. Robotnik." She explained.

"......What?" Nine says in disbelief. "You want me? A thief that literally sold you one of those emeralds?" Fiona says in disbelief. "Cool! When do we start?" I asked in excitement. "Okay.... I'm glad that you're in. But let me explain. You three saved the day and I feel with your set of skills can help locate and fend off any attacks that Robotnik might launch searching for the emeralds." She explained to us.

"What's in it for us?" Nine asks. "Okay.... What do you want?" Sally asks us. "......I want a beachfront or an island. Actually, just a beachfront. If I get an island then this guy is gonna drive me insane if he's stuck on an island." Nine says as he points to me. "Honestly.... The pardon was nice.... But I'm not even sure what I want? I always dreamed of being free.... Maybe.....I'll just stick with 20,000 rings for each Chaos emerald we find?" Fiona asks. "I want to stay friends with you!" I said.

"I'm pretty sure my family is fine with me being friends with the hero of Mobotropolis." She tells me. "......So is that a yes or....?" I asked as Nine and Fiona facepalmed. ".....Yes. We can still be friends." She said with a smile as she shook her head with a light chuckle. "I can also get you a beachfront and that's seems like a fair price." Sally adds. "Alright. I'll do it." "I suppose I can figure out what to do after this job." They both said as I fist pump of seeing the world.

"Wait? Is Rouge gonna be helping us?" I asked. "No. She has a different job." She tells me. "....Are you coming on this journey?" I asked her. "Ughhh.... No.... My brother and dad wouldn't allow me. My dad still feels that I am a young child and also he wants me to find a suitor so I can have a heir to the throne." She tells me. "What about your brother? Also, doesn't he have a child?" Nine asks. "My brother has a step daughter. By law, she's legally can't be up for the throne. He also thinks I'm a little child, even when I just fought all these robots! Ughhh.... Sometimes it's hard being the only sibling who can bring an heir for the throne and have a protective older sibling." She grumbled to herself.

"I wish you could come. It's certainly would be fun if you came." I said sadly. "Thanks. I really do want to see he the world. She said sadly. "Anyway, thank you for agreeing and I'll be sure to supply you for your trip. I know it's gonna be a long and difficult journey ahead." She said as she stood up. "Oh! I almost forgot." She said as she toss the chaos emerald to Nine. "Me and my brother believe that the emerald would be safer if it was in your hands and was on the move." She tells us and then left the room. "I really wish we could help her." "Me two." Nicole and I said as we watched her go. "Well what can we do." Nine said as he took a bite from a chicken leg.  "Man, I wish I she could come. I guess it's not easy to sneak out of the city then sneaking out of the castle..... unless." I then smiled when I got an idea.

The next day

"Wow.... The view of the sunrise is beautiful from here." I said as me and Sally were on the top tower of the castle looking at the most gorgeous view of the city with the sunrise coming up from the distance. "Yeah.... I usually come here to watch the sunrise.... I'm glad that I have you to watch with me." She said with a smile. "And I'm glad that you showed me. I doubt Nine would like it." I joked as I laughed. "Hehe... he really does seem like the type to hate a sunrise and enjoy the pitch dark night sky." Sally said with a giggle.

"Speaking of which, where are they?" She asked me. "Oh, they're already out of the city. They didn't want to stay in the city anymore than they like." I told her. "I see.... Well I'm glad that you stayed to say goodbye." She said with a sigh. "Hey, sooo... there's something I should tell you." I began. "What is it?" She asked me in confusion. "You know how you want to see the world?" "Yes?" "Well I thought about helping you sneak out." I told her.

"(Y/n). That's sweet of you to do, but sneaking out of the city isn't as easy as sneaking out of a castle. My father and brother usually fix the spots that I sneak off. Currently, there aren't any spots that the castle walls can help us sneak off." She tells me. "Well, except for the front gate." I said with a smile. "But there are guards. I doubt they are gonna just let me leave." She tells me. "How can they stop you when your with a fast moving hedgehog?" I smirked which she looks at me for a second before smirking as well.

"When do we leave?" She asked me. "We can leave now. Unless you want to stop at your room to get some stuff?" I told her. "I have nothing to take. These are my only vest and boots. I don't really wear much as you can tell." She tells me. "Then hop on and hang on tight." I told her as she nod.

Nine pov:

"Ughhhh... where is that blue hedgehog? I told him to say goodbye and meet us here." I groaned as me, Fiona, and Nicole were at the trail waiting for (y/n) to come. "He's probably just wanting to spend some time with her. After all, it is gonna be one long trip and he may not know it, but he has the look of a person who has a crush." Fiona said. "Tell me about it. I seen how he reacts around her. I swear, if he asks me about his feelings and what it means. I promise you, that I am gonna tell him everything." I told her.

"Don't scar him too much when you do. I doubt we're gonna need him scared when has to fight a robot or something." Fiona tells me. "No guarantee." I said as we then saw the blue blur heading this way. "Finally!" I said as he stops and I did double take when I saw Sally was with him. "Guess who's joining us!" He says excitedly. "Heh! I see the princess was kidnapped from her castle." Fiona joked. "Kidnapped? But I asked her if she wanted to sneak out?" (Y/n) said in confusion which I facepalmed.

"Well, I wanted to see the world and protect my kingdom. And there's no way, I was gonna stay in that castle anymore!" She tells us. "Well princess, I hope you're ready to see the world." Fiona smirked. "I know I am!" I yelled in excitement. "Well I suppose four is better than three." Nine grunted as he pulled out Nicole. "Nicole begin scanning for chaos emerald signatures." Nine tells her.

"No problem." She said as she begins scanning and the four of us began heading out and seeing the world. I can't wait to see what is in store for us!

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