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TW: violence

You would think high school would be a breeze, just a fun harmless phase all teens with the rights to education have go through, but oh how wrong that little theory forcefully embedded into my head was.

Winter break has ended, school unfortunately has started all over again, after this year I'm done for good, I'm gone, never coming back.
And so far my day was going to shit. I woke up early thinking I was about to be late making me unnecessarily have to rush my ass to take the metro not knowing I was actually early, deciding to waste some time before school starts at 9 and it is currently about 8, Bentley High wasn't far away from my current location, Brown's coffee, a cafe that made coffee like no other in NYC, it was the best coming from a tea lover myself, it was astounding really, you would have to have a taste of it yourself to know how it just slowly melts in your mouth as you would rush to savour the taste of the coffee as you take uncontrollable sips due to it being so damn addictive.

Enough about the coffee, I bought a slice of rich Belgian chocolate cake for myself accompanied by my cup of black coffee of course. I had time to waste, a late slip on my first day was no harm. I was already planning on skipping the first day where we would meet all our new teachers and classmates,dear God please don't let me end up in her class again. I hated her guts.

"Oh fuck fuck fuck shit no dear God no please I was lying about the late slip I'm sorry I swear I was joking don't let me be late!" I silently prayed and cursed at myself as I sprinted towards the main gate like as if zombies were chasing I felt as if i was faster than flash in that moment. I had unknowingly fell asleep in the cafe and rowan, an employee shook me awake after he saw my uniform and recognised me as a student who attends Bentley, and you guessed it, school was about to start and he woke me up from my mini 30min slumber, I was about to be late for real this time.

clinging onto the stair railings for dear life, I boosted myself up the unnecessarily steep flight of stairs with all the arm strength I had. Huh, maybe sometimes basketball trainings do pay off. I had thankfully reached school just in the nick of time, I was saved from a late slip but I sure as hell might not be safe from a lecture by my new teacher.

Gasping for oxygen, I was half bent down gripping onto the stair railing huffing and puffing trying to pay off my oxygen debt my body had accumulated from all that non-stop running all the way from Brown's cafe to Bentley High just so I wouldn't be late. Finally catching my breath, I stood up hugging the books I was holding before, close to my chest tightly gripping onto them, my knuckles nearly turning white from doing so just to ease my bu8lding anxiety from the uncertainties that lay behind the light brown wooden classroom door which once opened could lead to many different possibilities, opportunities and oh, so much more.

Mustering up my courage, I gripped the doorknob tightly , pushed it down and inwards leading to a messy, loud class. A few girls were at the side near to the window gossiping with each other, others keeping to themselves just quietly reading books and doing their own things, the more notorious ones throwing balls of paper around at each other a few hitting the ones minding their business. My eyes quickly scanned the classroom for an empty seat at the back, the safest seat where I wouldn't be unwarrantedly bothered.

Hastily rushing to the seat to guarantee my spot there, I plopped my ass right onto the cold wooden seat, and comfortably settled in.
"Hey, lovely. Mind buying a drink for me?" a pleasing, gentle yet so familier voice spoke. It wasn't directed to me so I payed no mind until, the person beside me was thrown flying straight crashing into the wall behind causing a loud thud, the impact was so hard, a few posters blue tacked to the walls fell swinging left to right in the air gracefully before touching the cold ground. My head shot to the right now curious as to what had happened, i saw a girl with raven hair tied in a low ponytail, freckles all over, few strands of hair flowing down her face now due to getting thrown against a wall and glasses with a black square frame now sitting uncomfortably below her nose bridge close to completely falling off her face. She was laying slumped against the wall as she scrambled to try to get back up herself.

"I-ill pay tomorrow please I beg please just give me a-another c-c-chance..." the poor girl hurriedly got on her knees, put her hands together and started begging.
"I told you Monday, which is today was the latest but since you begged like thr fucking pathetic pig you are, ill give you till tomorrow." The girl with the melodious voice from early spoke again I swear I was having an eargasm. I looked away from the poor girl and to the blonde, to which the melodious voice belonged to and whom was now stepping on the girls hand and rubbing her shoes roughly, digging into the delicate flesh of the skin covering the hand of the raven headed girl.

Oh fuck me. The angelic sounding girl turned , revealing her side profile from before when her silky light blonde close to platinum blonde hair was covering her face fully. When I tell you I could fucking unknowingly predict some shit, oh I fucking could alright. Just when I thought I would be free of this mindlessly violent bitch for a year but oh how wrong could I have been. Haven fucking Huntley just had to be in the same flipping fucking god damning class as me again. I was sick of her, sick her of face, sick of her cockiness, sick of her actions, sick of everything about her abso-fucking-lutely everything. She was insane. She was purely insane. I've had enough of her in my early years of high school, she was a sick bastard that would go around punching, kicking, stepping on anybody and I mean anybody that has ever crossed her path, she was your popular rich girl and noone would dare lay a finger on her not even her boyfriend, Lucian Romero, the school's hottest boy has touched her, all because her daddy is some hot shot in the city and funds the school heavily.

I was enraged, I wanted to put a stop to her, the poor girl's hand was starting to bruise, and tears were uncontrollably forming and falling from her eyes in a continuous cycle. I had to help. I had to. But I couldn't. She would destroy my life, noone else seemed to care or pretended like they didn't atleast. I had to help.. but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Haven was basically Queen of the school and the one time someone stood up to her, the girl transferred schools after a week and was never heard from ever again. I couldn't and I wouldn't trouble my parents, not like this I wouldn't.

I'm sorry. I mumbled to myself internally cursing at myself for not helping.

"Tommorow bitch." I watched Haven spit onto the girl in my peripheral vision before she walked back to her seat with her minions, lyra sage and amara lynx they're only Haven's minions because their fathers work for her father.

School ended after about 6 hours of lessons and God was I exhausted. It wasn't even the second week and I already want to drown myself.

I retreated back into my dorm and got comfy in its untouched state, I pull out my phone to text ophelia, my best friend of 8 years we've been through a ton of shit together and of course she's my dorm mate plus she knows everything about Haven and I, our history, our little fights, my deep hatred for her, she knew everything and she was sick so she couldn't come today, typical o.

Before I slept I texted her, it was our little promise we made to each other which was to update each other when the other wasn't around.

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