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Red, blue, green, all the colours you can imagine were shining straight in my face temporarily blinding me for a moment as soon as I stepped into a house so big even words couldn't describe the size of it, maybe even bigger than the white house at this point. Ophelia and I were stood standing at the entrance of the senior party embracing the cool breeze of the air conditioner carresing out cheeks as we walked further into the house. Who the hell even has such a strong air conditioner in their living room of all places.

"Hey Ash lets go over to the drinks table!" Ophelia excitedly exclaimed as she grabbed my arm pulling me towards the drink table causing me to slightly stumble but I quickly recovered preventing myself from having to bear the embarrassment of falling in the middle of the living room with every other senior all around. They looked wasted as fuck and it hasn't even been an hour since the party started, we got here only at 9 although it had started at 830, we very obviously had a knack for being late.

"Two shots of vodka please!" Ophelia hollered over the blasting music while using hand signals to try and tell the bartender what she wanted. Of course the guy would've probably understood without all those unnecessary hand signals but its o what did you expect. "O, you're insane!" I laughed at her as she jolted her head backwards in a quick motion and downed the shot of vodka. " "Oh shut up and drink ur shot idiot!" Ophelia held both my hands down to prevent me from struggling with one hand while using the other to hold my cup as she leaned forward pressing the top of the cold glass against my lips as I slowly tilt my head back to let the liquid flow smoothly down my throat. "Two more shots!" Ophelia exclaimed letting go of both my hands and backing away while throwing both her arms up in the air.

We downed roughly about 4 shots of vodka.

"Hey o, hot guy alert" i smirked knowing she'd be wide awake instantly  "what! Where!" Her head immediately turned around trying to find the hot guy I was pointing out to her. "Oh shit...he's hot hot, like real fucking hot." "Go get him tiger im gonna take a piss" I chuckled as I shooed her off. "Alright, I'll meet you back in school tomorrow!" Ophelia shouted as she rushed off to try an start a conversation with the guy who looked about 6,2, probably blonde but I couldn't quite distinguish colours anymore due to the overly colourful lights shining into my face every few seconds making me lose my sense of colour if that was even a thing. "Hey, could I get one more shot of vodka thanks." I knew i sure as hell ain't making through this party alone and sober.

After downing the last shot of vodka I left for the restroom feeling a little tipsy but I was still conscious enough to know what was happening around me. After doing my business, I got out the cubicle, washed my hands as well as splash some water on my face trying to wake myself, the party was getting boring.

I swear I fucking cursed myself.

As soon as I thought the party was getting boring, an oh so joyful sunshine just had to swing the restroom door wide open. I quickly tried to avoid eye contact, I was looking down directly at the floor as I walked head down towards the door trying to escape. Haven fucking Huntley had just entered, after our little encounter in school I was done for, you hurt Huntley physically, emotionally or even mentally you would know you were just fucked for life and that you might as well just commit suicide on the spot.

Before I could reach the door, I bumoed head first into something causing my head to shoot up.

fuck me.

I was stood staring at those horrible piercing bright ice-y blue eyes while she was looking straight into mine. "Aw, look who's here. Astoria fucking Ashford." Her voice just pure sarcasm before she proceeded to Brazilian low kick me in the legs causing me to lose balance and fall onto the ground, hurriedly I pushed myself up to lean against a wall before she can land anymore kicks or punches. That kick hurt like hell. Clearly I wasn't some strong athlete that had a high tolerance for pain. She then proceeded to punch me in the stomach 2 times, i counted, knocking me unconscious for a moment before a hard slap was felt right across my face. "Hey Ashford, be a good girl and don't die on me so early will you?" Haven said  squatting down infront of me so we would see eye to eye "Fuck. You." I managed to get out breathlessly while wincing in pain before spitting on her like I did before but she didn't react like she did the last time, all she did was smirk with amusement written all over her face. "You know, I applaud you for your bravery noone has even stood up to me like this before." She said still looking at me with those tired yet stunnily beautiful blue eyes, "shut the fuck up you disgust me." Her brows slightly furrowed at my comment "disgust you?" She retorted. "Are you deaf or something do you need me to repeat." I huffed out, "no." Her smirk dropped as she knocked me unconscious for good this time.

"Hey, you alright?" I woke up to the feeling of getting shook aggressively by some girl, having now fully gained consciousness I realised I had been laying unconscious on the floor for about 20minutes since she left. "Here let me help you up." the girl that shook me awake swung on of my arm over her shoulder while wrapping her arm around my waist to pull my limp body up so that I would be standing up while she was supporting me.

We walked out the restroom, the girl using her body as a shield to push through the crowd of people to get to the main door. Pushing through the crowd I saw Ophelia slow dancing with the guy I had told her was hot earlier, a smile tugged at my lips, she was having fun but that smile soon faded away and was overtaken by a wave of fear that hit me as I locked eyes with those all too familiar ice-y blue pair of eyes, she was sat on a red couch, legs crossed, glass of what looked like whiskey in her hand which she was twirling slowly all while staring straight at me with a slight smirk on her face as her eyes followed my every little movement as i was getting supported to the main door.

The girl whose name I now know is Liora Green kindly offered to drive me home so here we are sitting in her car, the scent of lavender entering my nostrils every time I inhaled.  "So, what happened there?" Liora asked breaking the awkward silence between us a few moments ago "Haven Huntley happened." I plainly responded, "Oh." "It wasn't that bad though, shes quite weak actually." I lied, it fucking hurt like shit. She chuckled at my unexpected response before returning her focus to the road again.

We reached school again, and Liora helped get me back to my dorm "here's my number, if you need me just text me or call me I'll be here." She offered a smile so sweet it felt like a warm embrace "thanks." I smiled back before retreating back into my dorm and getting ready for bed.

I got changed removed all my makeup and jumped straight into bed wincing slightly at the pain of the bruise that was gradually forming on my stomach where Haven had landed multiple punches at. Shit really hurt. "Fuck u Haven!" I screamed into my pillow before sighing heavily and letting darkness wash over me and take me to the land where everything was perfect, the fantasy land of which you would call dreams.


First time I actl want to continue a book stay tuned for more 😹🤨

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