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Disgust, a word of visceral force, casually tossed around by many. Yet, its weight is undeniable. We've all felt it: that searing, inescapable revulsion. What is it about this word that seizes us so completely, rendering us powerless in its grip? Its power lies in the depths of our humanity, in the raw, unfiltered reaction it elicits from the core of our being.

What made her use it on me?

Throwing my head back to let it rest onto the couch I carefully dragged my cigarette away from my lips as I blew out a puff of thick black smoke that quickly dissolved into the air, blending in with the colourless gas, the smoke freely floating in the air as I watched it fade away into nothingness yet again. I pressed the smoldering cigarette against the edge of the ashtray, extinguishing its ember with a deliberate, graceful twist, leaving a faint wisp of smoke curling into the air.

Getting up from from the couch, i needed fresh air. All I had on was a robe gently hugging my body, I strolled to the balcony sliding open the 2 glass doors on each side to reveal the scenic calming view of new york city bright yellow, red and green lights flashed, cars zoomed past emitting carbon as it soon faded into the distance.

"You digust me." Those words played in my head repeatedly non-stop it was starting to annoy me, I rubbed my temples to try and soothe the impending headache but to no avail.
Grabbing my phone from the robe's pocket I decided to text Lucian to come over maybe he could do something, anything to soothe my headache.

"Hey babe!" Lucian smiled widely showing off his pearly wide teeth with identical dimples on both sides of his face just as I opened the door. I Hummed a soft "mm." to acknowledge his arrival. He knew I hated being touched so he always prevented himself from laying a single finger on me, we weren't really dating anyway, I was using him to basically fend off the other guys. I didn't need him but he practically begged and I was absolutely not sober.

"So, whyd you tell me to come over, you wanna do the hanky panky is that it?" Lucian laughed hysterically at his own joke. Immature fuck. "Your sense of humour is outrageously bad Lucian." "Oh come on, I know you wanna laugh hmm?" Lucian was beside me on the couch and he was tilted to face me, he leaned his face closer towards mine with his big emerald green eyes before I used my palm and pushed his face away "get the hell away from me." Sternly warning him. "Aw come on babe just one kiss?" We have never been intimate with each other before, ever, hes been begging for a kiss since forever but he knew I would never say yes. "no, Lucian back off." I rolled my eyes turning my attention to my phone scrolling through Instagram. "Hey, earth to Haven what'd you call me here for?" "Company." giving him a short answer hoping he would just shut up. "Alright, I'll accompany my dear so very troubled girlfriend for tonight." Lucian snickered to himself before laying down onto the couch using his phone.

"Lucian, wake up." I used my leg to kick his torso that was laying lifeless on the couch, he was a deep sleeper I hated waking him up. Figuring he wasn't going to wake up just from a gentle kick, I slapped him across the face, not too hard just enough to wake him. "Ow shit babe what was that for!" his body immediately perked up with his hand cupping the cheek I slapped him on trying to rid himself of the numbing pain. "Get changed, we're going in 5 minutes." "Oh God Haven you couldn't have woken me up earlier?" he groaned before disappearing running to a room.

Parking my Porsche 911 in a designated parking spot made just for me outside the school, I threw the keys in my bag before getting out the car, Lucian following along like a dog. "hurry up, I don't have all day." speaking firmly causing him to be slightly startled and walk faster to class "jeez, chill out Ms ice queen." Lucian said giggling to himself. "Fuck off."

Finally getting to class after a 3 minute walk, I waved Lucian off before entering mrs Peterstone's class before quickly settling down legs crossed back straight as I leaned back onto the chair watching the class slowly go silent as soon as she familiar click and cracks of Mr peterstones heels could be heard.
She pushed the door open with such elegance before strutting towards the teachers desk and placing a thick stack of papers on the desk. "Okay class, for today you'll be working with a randomly assigned partner on a fieldwork project, you lot will have to go out after school to do it and hand it in to me by next week, the topic is about climate change,do you best this is 20% of you grade." ms Peterstone casually dropping a bomb on us before handing out the fieldwork papers to each of us individually with the name of our partners on it.

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