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Restraint, the gentle mastery of one's impulses, a quiet strength that curbs the fiercest emotions and maintains composure amid life's temptations and trials.

Restraint, the very art I've been taught to master since youth, and master it I did. Yet in her presence, restraint was no longer a choice I could make. The fortresses of self-control I meticulously crafted crumbled at her mere sight, leaving me utterly defenseless against the tidal wave of emotions she stirred within me.

Emotions I couldn't yet comprehend.

Restraint, a potent tool my father imparted, a concept drilled so deeply into my mind it became inseparable from my being. Yet in her presence, even this steadfast principle wavered, threatening to dissolve. Still, I resolved to maintain my composure. She was a challenge set before me, and I embraced it wholeheartedly, a battle of Restraint I was determined to win.

It was now Monday, a new week, the party was on Saturday. Lucian found his way home eventually, I had texted him just to make sure he hadn't died or anything so that I wouldn't have to be involved in a police case, troublesome shit.

I strolled to class my minions, whatever their names are, followed along with me to class, their walking pace unable to match mine as they struggled to catch up to me. They were barely my friends, just pawns to me, like chess pieces I would use according to the situation. Their fathers work for father resulting in them getting told to get closer to me, hoping that by doing so, their fathers could get a promotion.

Jokes on them, father never listens to me. Not once.

"Haven slow down would ya?" One of my minions spoke while panting heavily, they had been speed-walking all the way to class just to be able to catch up to me, they were determined I'll give them that.
"It's not my fault you're slow." I simply replied.
"But you don't gotta be so fast you know?" She spoke once again in between pants.
"Then, learn to keep up." I sneered.
I left her and the other girl panting at the entrance of the class while I settled down onto my seat to use my phone, I didn't have anyone to toy with anyway.

Except her, but she wasn't here yet.

"Yo, got any other ways you want me to toy with her?" A sudden text notification popped up in a little notification box at the top of my phone screen, it was from liora.
"You've had your fun, leave her alone go and find some other victim to fuck with." I quickly replied.
She had gone off plan that day at the party, she wasn't supposed to bring her out so far away from the party venue and beat her senseless, it was never part of the plan which was to just simply fuck with her feelings, the one thing liora was a fucking genius at, even I can't match her level of expertise in that particular area. That was the whole reason I chose her to fuck with her.

"C'mon I'm sure you have other plans or ways to screw her up." Liora texted back.
"Leave her alone liora, we had a deal."
"Whatever, boring." I could basically feel her eyes rolling through the screen as soon as she read my message.

And speak of the devil, Astoria Ashford in the flesh. Her arms wrapped around her books, hugging them to make sure they wouldn't fall as she strolled into class, her hips swaying side to side with each step she took, her hair held up by a clawclip, her eyes glowing a bright amber as the sun shone through the window further highlighting her sharp jawline.

"Quit staring pervert!" An irritating male voice sarcastically said from behind me. Lucian.
"Quit being a busybody." I scoffed, refusing to take my eyes off of her as i watched her every move.

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