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We were sat in her car, in silence as she dangerously maneuvered it around the city to get to the school dorms where she would drop me off. Her jacket still wrapped around my body, hugging me tightly. It felt comforting, warm and just right. It fit just right. I didn't want it off of my body, it could be sewn onto my body for all I care, it was just so comfortable. I mean that's what you get for being rich and buying a high quality leather jacket am I right?

She drove at a steady speed yet it still felt too fast, I felt like I was about to end up in a car crash but atleast I'd die with style, featured on the news as well.

"What are you doing hugging the seat belt for dear life for?" She spoke, breaking the silence between us.

"You're driving like a lunatic that's why." I said in a 'wasn't it already obvious' tone, I knew she hated that tone, and that's what pushed me to speak in that tone.

Well shit did that backfire on me.

Upon having heard my tone, she stepped on the accelerator, the car roaring before it accelerated forward faster than before.


"Fucking hell haven I'm not planning to die today!"

"Oh stop being a pussy Ashford," She scoffed, her eyes locking with mine for a split second.

"I'm not a pussy haven, I just don't feel like dying with you simple as that!"

She never replied, her eyes were now fixated on the road ahead as she slowed the car down.

"Thanks." I mumbled as soon as she was driving at a steady speed instead of an outrageously fast one.
She must've not heard it judging by her seemingly bored expression while driving along with no reply or reaction.

"Why were you at the race." her gaze still fixated on the front as she finally spoke after what seemed like centuries.

"Uh, I stumbled upon the house and I just decided to join, it was free admission?" That came out more as a question than it was a statement as a result of my poor on the spot lying skills, I hadn't actually stumbled upon the house it was because of something else, someone else.

A deal, a family deal.

"Don't lie."

"What? I'm not lying," I awkwardly chuckled.

Please drop the topic. I internally prayed.

I couldn't say a word about why I was there, I couldn't and I fucking wouldn't.

"Drop the fucking act, Ashford."

"Drop the topic, Huntley."

"Ronnie brought you there didn't he." She said ignoring my response.


Deny. Just deny.

"So he did." My brows furrowing in irritation, I clearly said no, how the fuck did she take that as a yes?

"He didn't haven."

Deny. Just fucking deny.

"He did."

Why the fuck was she so stubborn.

"Why are you so fucking stubborn can't you just listen for once?" I groaned.

"Too bad, I don't listen to you and I never will."

"Fucking crazy bastard." I muttered on impulse, regretting it a second later when she emergency stopped the car, my whole body flying forward in the process and forcefully hitting the backrest after causing me to groan in pain.

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