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I was rudely awoken to the sound of someone banging profusely on my dorm door. What the fuck is their problem good God its too early for this. "Ash! Wake the fuck up! You're going to be late!" an almost too familiar booming voice entered my ears causing me to jolt up from my bed to check the time. Oh my fucking God? Oh. My. Fucking. God. "SHIT!" It was currently 845, i was going to be so late, painfully rubbing my eyes to fully wake myself I jumped out of bed running straight towards the door where the continous banging was still occurring, I swung the door open to reveal a brunette like myself except she had most likely dyed it due to her roots being very noticeably blonde.

"Ash! U stupid fuck whyd you wake up so late." O, short for ophelia my best friend of 8 years was stood outside the door silently reprimanding me for my irresponsibility of setting more alarms to wake myself , hell I didn't even remember to set atleast one alarm the night before.

"Oh, o." Completely disregarding her scoldings, I pulled her in for a tight hug. I loved hugs. "I missed you so much u monkey" "shut up.." ophelia's cheeks grew a pinkish-red, I loved teasing her she always gave the best reactions. "Alright u can fuck off now, we're going to be late" letting go of o I hurriedly rushed to the toilet to get changed and do all the necessary before getting to class.

Throwing on a tank top and slightly baggy jeans, I grabbed my bag, phone, wallet and whatever you would need to survive a day of high school. "Lets go hurry up!" I struggled for a good 15secs trying to put on my Jordans before giving up and just grabbing ophelia's hand pulling her out the dorm along with me before sprinting straight to class.

"Sorry ms Wilson, I had a bad tummy ache." I said lying through my teeth trying to make up for the fact ophelia and I were late for a good 30 minutes of her class. " Thats alright love, take a seat." Ms Wilson was a women in her mid 30s about 5,6, blonde with glasses sitting comfortably on her nose bridge, bet you she was a men magnet in her teens.

Class was a breeze, ms Wilson was good in teaching ill give her that. "So Ash, you free tonight? Wanna go to that party they're setting up for us seniors?" Ophelia held my hand while looking at me with her big sky blue puppy eyes practically begging me to go. How could I say no to those eyes? "Fine. But, don't go off having one night stands with random guys again I don't wanna have to drag you back to the dorm like last year." She rolled her eyes playfully as she giggled "yeah yeah whatever you say boss."

Ophelia and I talked about boys and you know girl shit as we strolled out of class together clutching our books in our hands.

"My money bitch." In my peripheral vision, I could see a girl being thrown against a locker and a couple other girls surrounding her hysterically laughing at her, others were too shocked to do anything and just stood there watching the scene unfold. Turning my head, I could now see the scene fully. It was the same raven haired girl as yesterday and of course Haven Huntley...Again...she was way too noticeable with that almost platinum blonde hair, no one else in the school has the same hair colour as her. Most likely because she wants to be special and made a stupid rule where noone is to have the same hair colour as her or you know what happens. Those who were bold enough to defy that rule have also all disappeared from the school without a trace.

"Hey, ash leave it. Don't get yourself involved it would be suicide." Ophelia tugged at my jeans trying to pull me away from the scene where Haven was now punching the girl in the stomach while her minions were holding the poor girl in place for Haven to land accurate punches.

"Fuck this o, she digusts me." I lightly pushed ophelia's hand that was tugging on my jeans off me before storming over to Haven. "Ash! " ophelia shouted trying to get me to ignore the current bullying going on and to just go but I just couldn't. I wouldn't, and I won't let this happen again.

"Hey haven." catching her off guard as soon as she turns her head back to meet my eyes, I landed a solid punch, my fist directly contacting her cheek and with all the energy within me I pushed her face down hoping to make her fall but I was just too weak. Her head turned slightly to the right following the direction of my punch but she didn't even look hurt afterjust offended someone had dared to lay a finger on her precious face.

I'm fucked.

She swiftly recovered before turning around and punching me straight in the stomach. "fuck you..." I managed to wheeze out, while now slightly bent down and wrapping my arms around my stomach to try and ease the pain a little. Fuck was she strong. "What was that?" Haven harshly grapped a clump of my hair before violently pulling my head up so that I would be look at her eye to eye "say that again will you, darling?" She had a wide grin plastered on her face, her head tilted slightly to the right and her brows furrowed her eyes had a hint of amusement. "I" I spat on her before harshly pushing her away from me sending her crashing straight into lockers behind. Taking the opportunity, I made a run for it.

"shit that was insane!" Ophelia laughed as she ran with me all the way back to our dorm. "My stomach still hurts!" I cried out laughing away the pain with ophelia.

We laughed as we ran all the way back to our dorm.

"Dude you were crazy out there, the way you just pushed her and sent her flying straight into the lockers, what the hell took over you!" Ophelia could not stop talking about it since the moment we've reached out dorm. " nothing, it was just that she's been tormenting people since freshman year all because her daddy has all the money in the world and I just wanted to fuck her up abit you know?" I lay spread out in a star position on my bed looking at the ceiling while engaging in a conversation with the overly excited ophelia, although she's talking to herself way more than she's talking to me. "Whatever o, go rest remember we gotta party later." I stated before turning over to my left and letting my eyelids shut close.


Its 3 in the morn and I'm writing this I'm actually going to faint from a lack of sleep one day but wtv.
I hope you guys enjoyed this, its clearly not fancily written but I'm trying trust ill try and improve and this is my first time writing an actual book too, I nvr knew I wld actl bother to write a little book in my whole life but guess what here we are.

They gonna have more interaction in the next few chapters trust🙏

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