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That night, I could barely sleep, my head was a mess, a horrible mess. I could no longer think straight. Am I even straight? I was straight. Yeah, I'm straight.

"Urgh!" I groaned loudly as I took the pillow closest to me before covering my face with it, muffling my groans while thoughts rushed through my head vigorously, my mind a blur as I was still processing what had happened last night, in this very room. The bright rays of the sun shone through the window, its gigantic figure doing little to prevent the bright rays from shining into my eyes. It was 7 in the morning, yet, I had school and how was I supposed to get there? No goddamn clue. I was going to avoid taking her car to school as much as I could, if she even allows me to take her car in the first place.

I walked here on my own and mind you, it was a far walk. I wasn't mentally sound when I did, which was probably the only thing that kept me walking till I reached here. Her house.

Oh my god? I was in her fucking house! Great. Just great.

I knew i was in her house subconsciously, but did I fully understand and digest the fact that I was in her house? No. Absolutely no way in hell did I fully realise I was in her house.

"Fuck!" I yelled into the pillow once again as I hurriedly scrambled out of bed. Her Godforsaken bed.

I stood staring at her bed, slowly taking in my surroundings again as if I hadn't done it last night, as if I hadn't done this multiple times before.

We went way back, I knew her since the very start of my life, I knew her since the beginning of time, we were basically tied together by a string, fated together forever but it was never in a good way. I hated her since the very beginning, I hated every atom of her. I really fucking resented her. She was always ahead, she was always better, she was always number fucking one. Everywhere I went, she just had to show up, even if I went to some shady place, some secret place, she would always be there. She was the predator and I was the prey. And by going way back, I hadn't meant since we were born, I meant the start of high school. That's when it all started, when all this sick shit started happening.

"Shit!" I feel to my knees, my face buried in the pillow still in hand as I yelled into it once again.

Sighing, I freed my face from the pillow by pulling it away. I sat on the floor for a good few minutes, staring at the bed, my mind blank as I contemplated my life decisions. Just why did I come to her house?

As I sat there staring, suddenly my phone dinged, signalling a notification. I quickly got on my feet to search for my phone, seeing as I barely touched it last night even though I couldn't sleep. Abnormal behaviour I know.

I grabbed my phone, my fingers touching it to scroll through the countless amounts of messages sent by the one and only ophelia.

"Where are you?" Was the message being sent an outrageous amount of times, I could practically hear her worried frustrated voice through the phone. I hadn't told her I was going out, let alone going out to haven's house. She knew practically everything about me and haven, our hatred for each other down to the sick twisted things haven has done not just to me but others as well.

Checking the time, it was close to 8, meaning school was about to start soon and I had to get ready soon. What was I supposed to wear? No goddamn clue either but the one thing I knew, was that I was not going wear her uniform again.

I quickly rang ophelia up to ask her if she could bring a spare uniform for me because currently, mine were all either washing or drying due to the consistently shit weather, making my uniforms harder to dry.

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