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Temptation is the whispered invitation that dances on the edge of desire, luring the heart into the embrace of possibility.

Yet, she was a temptation I yearned to resist, yet couldn't. I just couldn't. What my heart craved diverged sharply from the path my mind insisted on.

Those brown eyes I yearned to gaze into endlessly, those lips I longed to feel against mine, that hair I wished to run my fingers through, those hands I envisioned holding through the years, even as we aged together but I cannot allow myself to indulge, I simply cannot. I will not succumb to such temptations. I made a vow to father never to speak to her again, never to even set eyes on her again.

I couldn't disappoint father, never again, and yet, I did.

All for her.

"HAVEN ELOISE HUNTLEY. HAVE I NOT LECTURED YOU ENOUGH. WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT EVER TALKING TO HER AGAIN." His booming voice filled the penthouse. The penthouse where our emotions had intertwined in the air, so dense that words failed to capture its weight a week ago.

Father was finally back from his business trip after 6 months, but he hadn't come to see his only daughter, me. He had only come because of the suspension call from the principal and to lecture me, not about the suspension he couldn't give less of a bird's shit about it, he was here because of her.

"Father...I'm sorry, I don't know what took over me." I swallowed the lump forming in my throat. I couldn't cry. I was 16 now, I wasn't 10 anymore. I've grown. "Haven, was my previous lecture not good enough for you? Do you want me to lecture you again? Was I not clear enough?" He tilted his head slightly. He was a few centimeters taller than me but it felt like he was towering over me, with so much power and control. I couldn't move, I couldn't even make out words, all my confidence vanished, like I was 10 all over again, too afraid to stand up to father.

"No, father that lecture was enough, It won't happen again, I promise." I said softly, hoping he'd have heard, I didn't have the courage to speak up, I never did in his presence.
"Speak up." He demanded. Shivers ran down my spine as the memories of his previous lecture 2 years ago flooded my mind.

I thought I had forgotten about it long ago.

"Sorry father, I previously said that your previous lecture was enough and that it won't happen again, I won't speak to her ever again, I promise." I spoke again this time louder than before, making sure he heard.

"You're a Huntley, Haven. I've already lost your sister, I can't lose you too." His voice softening at the mention of my sister that was disowned years ago because she had been seen by the other wealthy families going around and mindlessly fucking anyone she saw, causing them to all see her as an embarrassment, a slut, a whore, unworthy to be a Huntley and to save our reputation father disowned her, leaving me to have to be the breadwinner of the family, the golden child all the other powerful families wanted.

The Huntleys were the wealthiest most powerful family of them all and we had a reputation to keep up.

"Father, I assure you I won't do it again I promise, I won't ever see her again." I said

"Don't ever let me catch you going near that Godforsaken girl ever again." He spoke, anger and disgust evident in his voice.

"She's not a Godforsaken girl." My eyes now focused on his, glaring.

Now, why the fuck was I defending her.

"What." His brows furrowing, arms slowly un-crossing and before I knew it, his thick hand collided with my face.

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