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She sat on the couch, directly across from Valerie and i at the drinks bar. Her gaze was dark and challenging, daring me to make the next move. She was deliberately provoking me, and despite my reluctance, she succeeded in making me act. For this moment, she had the upper hand.

I completely discarded the calm composure my mind urged me to maintain. Enraged, I was going to make my feelings unmistakably clear to her.

"Love, don't." Valerie's chuckles came to a stop as she noticed my raging expression while I abruptly got up from my seat causing the seat to fall to the ground and all the eyes in the room to fall onto me.
"I'm going to give her a piece of my fucking mind." I sneered as I stormed over to where she was seated, all eyes on me as they followed my every step.
"Ash.." ophelia's voice a small whisper as she watched me, speechless, from the crowd. I've never been so pissed off before.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" I firmly slapped haven across the face as soon as i reached where she was, causing a bringing jolt to be sent across her face, leaving a red mark in its wake. Loud gasps were heard throughout the whole living room, with some covering their mouths in shock, their eyes about to pop out their heads, seeing as the queen bee of the school had just been slapped across the face by basically a nobody.

Everyone remained silent as they watched the scene unfold, only letting the exchange of words between haven and I to happen.

"That all you got?" Instead of yelping out in pain or whatnot, she smirked, possibly the biggest smirk I've ever seen come from her. I should've known.

She derived a certain satisfaction from this, finding pleasure in provoking a reaction from me and in the way she managed to ignite my anger.

I slapped her across the face once more.

"C'mon hit harder Ashford, I dare you." Her smirk now a malicious grin that sent shivers down my spine. She was so unbothered it bothered me. Was I really that weak or was she just able to hide her feelings that well?

I did it once more.

"Fuck, that felt good didn't it, love?" She said, putting extra emphasis on the word love, very obviously mimicking Valerie because she would address me as love, not ash, not astoria, but love.

Love was a strong word. A word I would never let out my mouth unless it was directed to someone I really liked to the core, the opposite of what i felt towards her.

"You don't get to call me that." I spat,
clearly angering her as her jaw clenched tightly, her eyes narrowing with a smoldering anger, reflecting her inner turmoil before she stood up, towering over me, I suddenly felt small. Her presence exerted a firm grip over me, and I resented it.

"So Valerie can and I can't?"

Her glare was unforgiving, full of resentment.

"Why? You jealous?" I poked, wanting to elicit an even stronger reaction from her.

"Jealous? You fucking wish." She scoffed.

"Oh, don't be such a pussy and admit you're jealous cous." Another voice spoke, interrupting the argument I was having with haven. Valerie stood beside me, like a protective figure, her arm gently pushing me back, further away from haven so that her and haven would be stood infront of each other instead of me.
"You have no say in this Valerie." Haven sneered, her jaw tightening further at the fact Valerie had just interrupted the argument we were just having.
"I don't?" Valerie provoked haven even further, knowingly pushing her buttons.
"You don't."
"Really cous? Whose shirt was she wearing, who was she sitting beside in class, who did she come to this party with, of course we can't forget who she went out to eat with as well, hmm?" Valerie smirked as haven's one grew sick and twisted.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17 ⏰

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