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I ran out of there faster than I've ever run on court during a basketball game. Reaching my battered, close to decomposing car, I slammed the door shut as I sat there confused and bewildered, what the hell was she thinking? What the actual fuck. The realisation of what had really happened hit me once I had really fully settled down in the car, I was utterly confused, I couldn't think straight, I couldn't breathe properly, i wasn't even fucking in the right mind anymore. We didn't even finish the project, the hell was that blonde bitch even thinking. I gagged at the faint lingering taste of the whiskey she fucking coated her fingers with and put in my mouth. I hated whiskey and I hated her as well. Screaming and cursing at myself i slammed the acceleration pedal causing the car to jerk forward in a quick motion startling me as if it wasn't the consequences of my own actions. Rubbing my temples, I held the steering wheel with both hands, gripping onto it tightly till my knuckles turned white. I maneuvered the car dangerously fast out the carpark below her penthouse.

Halfway through the drive back to the dorms in school, I ringed up ophelia.
"Hey, what's up.." Her groggy voice spoke over the phone

"did you just wake up?" I ask

"Yeah, but that's not the point why'd you call me its almost 12, ash." She scoffed with a hint of irritation in her voice

"Its Haven, O, I went to her house to complete our project." I sighed

"WHAT. ASTORIA ASHFORD ARE YOU FUCKING MENTAL?" She bellowed causing me to cringe at the sudden loudness although it was expected

"I know, I know, but the project is counted into my grades and just because she's somehow my partner doesn't mean I ain't gonna do it solo." I scoffed

"Ash, you know fully well what happened the last time you went there." Ophelia lectured me over the phone

"Technically I didn't purposely go there it was for a campaign we were raising money for and she just so happened to be the owner of that fucking penthouse." I spoke trying to defend myself

"Ash, you were beaten up." Ophelia Sternly assured

I went silent as soon as I drove into the entrance of the carpark below the school.

"I'll be in the dorm soon." I mumbled

"Don't change the topic Ash." Ophelia sounded like pissed

"I'm not." I hung up.

I finally reached the dorm after climbing flights and flights of stairs, unhooking my jangling keys from the carabiner hung on the loop of my jeans, I unlocked the dorm door.

"Oh my god Ash you're insane!" Ophelia immediately embraced me in a warm hug as soon as I stepped foot into the dorm.

"God, I'm so glad you're okay." She backed away arms still around my neck

"Why wouldn't I be okay?"I laughed

"You idiot, why would you go there again you could've done the project in school." Ophelia sighed while I closed the door behind me and walked past her

"She didn't answer my texts o, I had to go over besides, I'm okay, thanks for worrying but I'm really alright." I said getting my pajamas out the closet beside the door

"Whatever, just be careful if you go over again." She admitted defeat and went back to sleep while I took a quick shower before going to bed.

The next morning, i woke up with a dull ache in my head i rubbed my eyes against the harsh morning light. The headache lingered, making it hard to focus. My neck and shoulders were tense, adding to my discomfort. Each movement seemed to amplify the pain, making me wish for a bit more rest, but I couldn't. I stepped out of bed and downed some pain killers accompanied by a glass of water to make the pills easier to swallow. I grabbed a Semi baggy graphic tee out the closet pairing it with black jeans before I jumped into the shower to wash up and get ready. Getting out the shower, I threw on the clothes I had previously picked out, looking at the time it was already 830, knowing I'd somehow lose my way, I only put on some light makeup before rushing out the door.

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