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I laid in my bed ignoring the now continously ringing alarm that I couldn't be bothered to turn off while I pulled my blanket cover over my face to try and muffle the sound of the annoying ringing alarm. "Ash, mind turning off that alarm?" Ophelia shouted from inside the bathroom causing me to slightly jump from her unexpected voice. I thought noone was in the dorm and it was just me. "My bad o!" I hollered back while reaching out to press the little button stationed at the top of the alarm before lying back down onto my bed, rotting away. "So what are you gonna do?" "Do what?" I asked "you know, you've been suspended so what are you planning on doing?" Ophelia shot back as if it wasn't obvious enough, "well shit I don't know o, I'm just gonna rot in bed now you can kindly fuck off thanks." I sighed pulling the covers over my face all over again. "Get up you lazy bum we're going to a mall then we're going to a club tonight no questions asked." I gave me a wide grin, "seriously o? Is you way of dealing with everything always going into a club even though we're underaged, besides you have school." I didn't want to go out, not today and definitely not after my suspension that blonde fuck made me get. "Nah fuck school let's go Ash get up and get ready!" She laughed
"Seriously o, the shit you do..." I sighed before rolling onto the floor ending up like a burrito with my blanket curling around me like a big Teddy hugging me. "Chop chop Ash I ain't got all day." She winked before grabbing her car keys and slamming the door as she giggled while walking out.

I got out the shower, towel wrapped around my body. Randomly selecting  the first graphic shirt I see and a pair of cargos I put them on. I wasn't going to see anyone from school anyway, they'd all be in school and we'd probably already be in the club or something. Hurriedly grabbing my keys, phone and a few other essentials, I ran out the door, knowing ophelia she's probably already a tiny bit annoyed that I took my sweet time in the shower.

I reached the car after basically running a marathon from my dorm all the way down to the car then having to search like a mad woman for ophelias car, I was officially exhausted even though I was supposed to be an athlete, but honestly fuck that we're all humans, we have limits.

"Shit Ash you look like you went dumpster diving!" Ophelia pointed at me hysterically laughing at my messed up appearance due to all my running just now. "Shut up o just drive." I playfully rolled my eyes. "Bet you ready?" She whooped. I was  so going to get awfully drunk and high by the end of the day.

We reached the mall in about 10 minutes thanks to ophelia's maniacal driving, she was bound to get a speeding ticket one day. "Yo, loosen up Ash we're here to have fun!" She exclaimed, I shot her a small smile although I wanted to go back to my dorm and continue rotting in my bed for years. "Lets go to the jewelry store first!" Ophelia chuckled as she held onto my wrist pulling me into the mall against my own will. "I ain't made of money ophelia Blackwell." I scoffed at ridiculous choice of shop, "I'll sponsor you Ash don't worry today's all on me!" She giggled, still pulling me towards the store she wanted to go to first.

Ophelia finally let go of my wrist once we reached the store, she bolted into the store without a single thought, actually maybe one thought, jewelry. I followed her as I silently watched her getting excited over every little piece of jewelry that she saw displayed like as if she wasn't already drowning in jewelry, she had 3 necklaces on her neck each overlapping one another along with rings on both her hands.

She was running around the store like a little kid, getting overly excited over small pieces of metal with diamonds glued on or whatever they did to attach the diamonds, I wouldn't know anyway, I was broke as fuck all I had was probably £50 to my name. 

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