The almost Alpha male

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Hulk sighed, letting his huge muscles heave at the small movement. He was BOREDDDD!! Prince Hulk, as I should specify was currently listening to his father King Hulk, and his advisors discuss his life.

"He should not become king without a preppy queen," argued Dimitri one of the most old fashioned of advisors. "It is clearly stated in the kingdom's rules that if the king does not pass the test of smarts, he may not be crowned until he finds a queen who can."

"Yes, but not a.. nerd!!" joked Angelicus, making the advisors all laugh at the thought of a nerdy girl being a queen. Even Hulk managed a chuckle.

"Please, try to take this seriously," said King Hulk in his commanding alpha male voice. "My son must take this test in two weeks on his 21st birthday. Anyway, Dimitri, have you found him a hot babe to marry yet, when he fails?"

They King and advisors proceeded to rate all the hot babes, while Prince Hulk sat in a masculine and commanding silence. I can't believe my own father doesn't even think I'm smart enough to pass! Ugh, if mom was alive she'd believe in me!

Unable to to take it anymore, Hulk used all his stealth and left the room. Once he was out in the hallway he started running with every huge manly muscle in his body through the hallway, to escape his overwhelming princely life and responsibilities. He was so zoned out that he didn't even see the petite thing he ran straight into, until they were both on the freshly polished diamond floor.

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