16 - The announcement

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I don't want to be here.

By here, I mean, outside the palace, surrounded by the thousands of other citizens awaiting for the royals to appear and tell us their announcement. 

"I hope we get to see Prince Hulk!" swoons one of the girls near me to her equally smitten friends. Pfft. Pathetic.

Yeah, I really don't want to be here.

Just then, the trumpets sound, announcing that the royals will be emerging in a matter of seconds. And then they do.

I scowl up at the balcony where the king stands, overlooking us all. Then a certain green prince joins him. 

>Ladies and gentlemen, citizens of the crown! We have gathered you all here today to announce something very exciting!" 

Prince Hulk, that little traitor, then takes the mic smirking with his oh-so-flirty trademark smirk. Ugh.


My soul plummets a million feet, I can feel the color orange, I'm dizzy. I want to run, to hide, to cry, to punch, to go up on that balcony and give Hulk the most passionate, chapped, crusty, delicious, loving, hating, evil, holy kiss there ever was.

"Now," Hulk continues. Oh great, more. "I present to you the lovely woman I'm marrying in ONE WEEK!! LADY ELEANORA-MARIGOLD-MIRANDA-LESLINA!!!"

And then, that witch of a woman, who looks like she eats blueberry pie, the girl who is the female version of a chad. That ruthless woman who has to cheat her way to get what she wants, who has had more b00b j0bs than I've read books. The girl who's long ah nails, heels and legs make her look like one of them big mosquitos that are always on my door. The girl who has had more men inside her, than I've had one direction songs in my head. That conniving, no-good, snake who snatched up my man like he was a pack of Oreos on sale..

Walks onto the balcony.

And then. She is kissed. She is the one who gets the most passionate, fiery, lusty, delicious, loving, royal, evil, holy kiss there ever was.

And she is kissed, by him.


Wait. I have to remember. He broke my heart. So it's not her fault..


I'm watching Hulk hold her hand, and smile and look at her the same way I look at my One Direction poster. Anyone can see -even those who are blinded by Eleanora's fake teeth- even they, can see how obviously and deeply in love he is with her.


I mean he's looking at her like she's Harry Styles or something, like his eyes-

His eyes.


Those eyes. Those Cortinarius Violaceus eyes. They no longer are the color of beetroot. No. Now, they're the color of evil. They are red and bewitched. The kind you get, when put under the love spell, I read it in one of my books.

I start searching my dorky petite backpack (where all my books are), but soon realize. It's gone. I know I had it recently, I mean I remember packing it in my purse before..

My thoughts trail off as I realize what happened.

"What did the book say about the consequences?" I ask myself quirkily, I do that sometimes. Every spell has some sort of price or consequence. I rack my brain in a panic, trying to think. Then I remember.. When their love is sealed, the night of the next full moon, a member of the royal family will fall.

The next full moon, one week. The wedding. I have to stop them.

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