The ball

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My heels clicked against the freshly polished diamond steps, leading up to the ballroom. I felt my long luscious ponytail graze the back of my neck, it startled me, I'm used to having my hair in a messy bun. My long, indigo dress seemed to float above the ballroom floor as I entered the party. There were so many people in crisp tuxedos, or fairytale ballgowns. But none of these people were who I was looking for.

Then I found him.

I stared into the charoite eyes of my handsome green alpha male prince from across the room, and slowly start walking towards him with one direction playing in my mind. I can't believe I don't even trip in my new designer heels, I'm used to wearing Converse. Time stands still as I practically float over to my one true love. And then I reached him and he holds me in his arms and kisses me, I feel like I might die of happiness.

"I'm glad you're here bbg" he said smirking in a controlling, protective, sigma alpha male way, a way that never fails to give me butterflies.

"I'm glad too." I say, resisting the intrusive urge to put my hair in a messy bun and wipe off all this sticky makeup, I don't know how other girls wear this stuff all the time!

I notice the king and his advisors looking at us and giggling, they're so goofy but I don't mind. Then Once In A Lifetime by One Direction starts playing and my stomach gets those butterflies I only get when listening to Harry Styles..

Or.. When I kiss a certain handsome, muscular, cockscomb colored alpha man... 

Then, just like I was wishing deep down, Hulk, my manly prince extends a big strong chunky celery-colored hand towards me, his eyes are commanding like the alpha he is, but also inviting and romantic. I grasp his hand with my petite hoof and he leads me onto the dancefloor as we start to waltz to Harry's melodic voice. I am instantly transported back to the night we danced in my library, just the two of us. I feel the world melt away again and I am lost in the music and the dance, there is just me, Hulk, and Harryboy. I press my head against his exposed chest, and listen to his heart beating rythmically, it sounds almost like a melody to a One direction song! I feel his sturdy hands with my smol hoof, and let him lead me through the music. I wish this could go on forever, as I look up into his bright eggplantlike eyes. I want to say something. Soemthing deep and romantic. But before I get the chance to I am interrupted by a shrill shriek.


The music stopped and everyone halted and turned to the voice of the shriek. It was Eleanora.


She makes her way over to us, walking fast and with purpose in her 82inch heels. She looks like she's about to throw hands, and Hulk clearly sees that too, cause he steps in front of me, but accidently sends some air towards me when he moves! Just that small movement is enough to send my petite body to the ground! 

"Omg! Sorry Twilight!" he says.

"It's ok I'm-"

"WHAT'S THAT!?" yells Eleanora, pointing to my purse, still on the freshly polished diamond floor.

I follow her perfectly manicured finger and see that she is pointing to my thick nerd glasses and all my spellbooks!! I just couldn't bear to leave my babies all alone! I see now that that was a terrible idea.

"Are those.. Books?" asks the king, he stares at me like I'm an impostor.. Which I kind of am..

"I uh I Uh-Uh I- I W-Well .. I" I stammer trying to muster up all my confidence I had at the dinner, but find nothing. I am still the shy girl who doesn't know what to say..

"SHE'S A NERD!!!" Yells Dimitri, Angelicus, The King Hulk, Eleanora and basically everyone at the ball.

That's it.

I start to run, Hulk doesn't even move. I feel the fat watery tears welling up in my mauve eyes. One lady even pours her champagne on me as I run past. I start to cry, as I run from the ball, from the world I thought I could have belonged in, and the boy.. I thought I could belong to.

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