New gorl??

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Prince Hulk was back in the throne room with his father and all the advisors. "Check it, son," said King Hulk. "We found you the hottest, preppiest girlie in the land! Meet lady Eleanora-Marigold-Miranda-Leslina!!"

Then a beautiful girl walked in, she had the longest most lucious eyelashes ever. But Hulk didn't feel any 1000 watts of electric tingles or the butterflies in the stomach that he... well.. never mind. But she wasn't clicking.

"Well she certainly is eye-candy," joked Angelicus. "But is she smart? I mean, someone needs to be smart in the couple."

"She can certainly help run a kingdom," the king assured them.

"But is she a nerd?" asked Dimitri 

They turned to Eleanora-Marigold-Miranda-Leslina.

"What are your thoughts on Star Wars? And what is pi?" demanded the king.

"I don't know anything about Star Wars, and pie is a delicious scrumtious dessert. I prefer blueberry, myself." said Eleanora-Marigold-Miranda-Leslina in a preppy way.

The advisors all cheered and got to planning their wedding. Hulk was certainly not as happy, he could not marry a girl who likes blueberry pie! Everyone knows apple is the superior pie type! He snuck a judgemental glare at Eleanora, and saw that she was on her phone snapping some guy named Spiderman!

This is absurd! She likes blueberry pie, and is talking to other guys? I CAN'T marry HER!

"I CAN'T MARRY HER" yelled Prince Hulk, as he Hulk smashed the table. The room was silent. King Hulk was very angry, he was practically seething.

"And, whyyyy can't you?" he asked, barely containing his Hulk rage.

"Because," said Hulk, he had to make something up and quick. He decided to pull a Twilight and let his intrusive thoughts win and just blurted out:


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