17 - The wedding

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It was a beautiful sunny day, a perfect day to get married.

But not me. Cuz I'm not one of those girls. Yeah. I'm the type of girl to go stop a wedding and save someone's life. 

And so..

I sneak into the palace, using my magic, it's surprisingly easy and convenient so I don't have to describe anything.

Then, she finally got to the ballroom where the wedding was taking place. The ballroom that ruined my quirky life!

And so, I burst into the wedding and yelled: "WAAITT!!! I OBJECT!!"

Everyone turned to look at me, scowling and shocked.

"We weren't actually at that part yet.." says Eleanora, I notice she is only half-way down the aisle. I guess I timed it wrong, ugh, I'm so quirky.

"Well, uhm, too bad! I object anyway!" I turn to Hulk, my mauve orbs pleading for him to magically snap out of his trance at the sound of my dorky voice. 

He doesn't.

I guess.. Life's not a fairytale..

But I can still stop them.

"Guards!" The king commands, and all the guards start running towards me. I have only a few seconds to get their attention.

"Wait!" I yell. "She bewitched him and someone will die!!"

Everyone stopped. The guards glanced back at the king, unsure if they should arrest me. He signals for them to wait.

"What the flip are u yapping on about miss gorl?" asks the king.

Eleanora is the color of a lobster, now she looks even more like one than before!

"SHE," I point at little miss Bob the tomato over there. "Stole one of my sketchbooks and used a love spell on Prince Hulk! You can tell by his eyes! They're red! He had no interest in her before!"

"SHE'S LYING" screamed Eleanora, it's really giving banshee. "SHE'S JEALOUS BECAUSE SHE CAN'T BE QUEEN CUZ SHE'S A NYEERRRDDD!!"

"Yeah, Eleanora would never do something like that to me." Says Hulk.

"So.. that settles it I guess." declares the king.

"NO! If he's under a spell that's exactly what he would say!"

"Oh yeah. Ok, it's unsettled again."

I breathe in. Now I mustn't be the shy nerd. Now, I must RISE.

"The spell's consequence is that a member of the royal family dies, on the next full moon after the wedding of two people bound by a love spell. But if I can reverse the spell before, nothing will happen."

"NO!" Eleanora yells, she turns to the pastor. "C'mon hurry it up, I wanna marry MY fiancé!!!"

I have to reverse the spell!

"dcgfhfhekajgwhefijgrhptelgkrwjfevhwfeyr2t1873rifogkbvjqfyr3980teihpgafur70fhyEGADVIOEFGIQ0E8AY9DBPdfbwhr3gyu4rueifdjhtuy43uowojleskhfgskOUQIDHWSKJCBDGFUHDIJBGVWGHjkhgsadghvijdhkefwydusfgidshrke" I say. A dark cloud appears in the ballroom, everyone stares up at it. Then, lightning strikes Hulk.

"AHH!" shrieks everyone.

"I'm ok!" he says.

"Phew." sighs everyone.

"So she did put a spell on you?" asks the king, clearly confused.

"NO!" shouts Eleanora.

"YES!" I shout. "I can prove it." I walk confidently over to Eleanora, and pull out my spell book from her purse. "That was a really bad idea to keep it in there by the way."

She lunges at my, her 900 inch nails aiming to dig into my neck. I flinch, trying to shield my petite body from the coming pain but I feel nothing.

"Bruh." I hear a masculine voice say. I look up and see Eleanora trying to strangle Hulk. Fortunately, she doesn't succeed because his neck is so thick. 

"GUARDS!" yells the king. "ARREST HER!" 

The guards run to her and snatch up a screaming Eleanora, they run off with her in handcuffs. Everyone is silent. I start to leave but then..


I turn and see it was Hulk, he ran towards me.

"I'm sorry! I should have known you would never hurt me and sabotge my test!"

"Thanks. But I should go-"

"Wait, you can stay!" Says the king. "Today we have all witnessed a nerd save the royal family. I can't think of a reason that a nerd is incappable of being queen. Especially since this girl fooled us all into thinking she wasn't a nerd."

My eyes are welling with tears at the sweetness, one direction is playing in my head. Hulk turns towards me grinning.

"Do you know what this means? We can get married twilight!"

Then he picks me up and spins me around, careful not to crush my ribs. It's super preppy.

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