Lady Arabella

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Hulk was standing before his father, the dinner was all set up, and for nothing. "Dad.. I lied, I don't have-"

"The girlfriend has arrived!!" a shrill preppy voice yelled. And then a super hot pony with a full face of make-up and several magic plastic surgeries burst into the dining hall.

Prince Hulk could barely recognize the nerdy quirky dork girl that he knew, but the 10000 watts of electricity coursing through his heart made him see that it was her. This is Twilight Sparkle.

"AH so this fine lady is YOUR girlfriend? Now I've seen it all," the king laughed loudly.

Hulk sighed.

"Yes of course I am his girlfriend! And my name is Lady Arabella, I come from.. The North. And, I uh love makeup and boys. OH! No, I mean, just this boy.." she smiled like a sexy baddie and linked her arm around his, sending shivers up her spine like he was a spooky, scary skeleton or something.

"Well then Lady Arabella, please, come eat." Invited the king, as they all took their seats around the table.

"Now, are you smart Lady Arabella?" he asked a few minutes later while cutting into his pork. Twili- er, Lady Arabella, I mean was prepared for this question.

"I believe so."

"Then, what is pi?"

"Pie, oh how I love pie," she giggled preppily. "But everyone knows apple is the best. And if I were to help Hulk run te kingdom, I would make sure he never spent more than 5% of the kingdom's money on pie, so we can have a strong army and good healthcare of course." She giggled again and barely surpressed the intrusive urge to yell "RADICAL, I ROCKED THAT" luckily, she did surpress it.

"AHAHHAHa," laughed the king, he was quite pleased. "You're even better than the first option for a bride!!" They all laughed.

Prince Hulk was shocked at how well this was going, Twilight was beautiful, and showing zero signs of being a nerd!

"Now, lady Arabella I would love to have you as our special guest at the ball in three days time."

"Oh, well, I don't think I could refuse.." She sighed, still with a fake smile. Twilight was not excited, she was worried. Twilight is a nerd, and everyone knows nerds can't dance. Unless you're in High School Musical.

"Excellent! Let's bring in the apple pie!" Exclaimed the King Hulk

Twilight barely talked all night, she just worried about the ball and while one direction played in her head.

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