9 - Dance lessons

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One, two, three, one two thr- "SHRIMP CUPCAKES!" I cried as my petite, fragile body fell on the freshly polished diamond floor in my new private library. Luckily I wasn't hurt, cause I'm tougher than most girls. I got up and tried to teach myself how to waltz again.

Then, Prince Hulk entered the library, right when I tripped and fell on my dorky face! My glasses slid onto the ground.

"Twilight Sparkle that was incredible!! Woah, um, are you ok Twilight?" he asked, even without my glasses I could feel his galaxy-colored eyes pouring into my soul.

My messy bun started falling out even more as I scrambled to find my glasses. Hulk came and slid them onto my face again, we stared into each other's eyes. How I longed for him to be mine, but how could he ever love a nerd??

"I'm ok.. Thanks.."

Hulk's muscles bulged as he chuckled. "I can't believe you, Lady Arabella! That was crazy, how'd you do that?!"

I giggled dorkily. "There's a lot you can do with a bit of magic."

Hulk glanced over at my y2k one direction cd player. "What are you doing?"

I sighed, my petite lungs heaving with all my exasperation. "I'm trying to learn how to waltz, for the ball tomorrow.."

I saw Hulk try to hide his smile, he must think I'm suuuchh a nerd!!

"Here, let me show you."

My cd player started playing Best Song Ever Instrumental, and Hulk grasped my smol hooves in his large hands, I couldn't help having a flashback to all our encounters, in a montage in my mind. He held my body close, I wondered if he could feel my heartbeat, I was so nervous that I would end up on my butt on the freshly polished diamond floor. But something about the way he danced, made me not even think about my next step, I just never wanted this to end. His warm green biceps held me up against him and we danced on.

Soon enough, the song was over. He let me go, and I couldn't help but feel disappointed, but also excited for the ball.

"Wow, thanks.." is all I muster. Ugh I'm so dorky.

"No problem," Hulk turns to leave, but stops. "Oh, I almost forgot. My dad wanted me to tell you that you have to create my smarts test, since Dimitri has a cold."

"Wow! Really? That's crazy! Thank him for me!" I smile so big, ugh so dorky.

"I will. I just know I'm gonna pass, all thanks to you, Twilight!" He pulls me in and then I feel his soft, smooth, emerald lips press onto my chapped ones. We stay like that for I don't know how long, until he finally let's go. I can still feel the tingles coursing through my petite body.

He leaves and is almost out the big, shiny doors before he turns and says: "See you tomorrow, Lady Arabella."

Twilight X Hulk senpai uwuWhere stories live. Discover now