The test

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Hulk was sitting at the Prince Chair in the Test room, fidgetting with his thumbs. He was nervous. This one test would determine his life, his future, his love..

If he failed, he would have to immediately marry Eleanora-Marigold-Miranda-Leslina and he couldn't marry Twilight Sparkle, if he passed he would at least have a bit of time to figure out what to do.

Dimitri placed the test in front of him. This is it.

Hulk was sure that Twilight wouldn't make it easy for him, but she also wouldn't make it too hard either. It would be fine.

But then he read the first question



This is like impossible!!

Hulk had no idea how to do this, and the other questions were no better. After two hours of just trying his best, Hulk turned in the test, 100% sure of his failure.

His fears were confirmed later that night when King Hulk burst into his room.

"Son, congratulations!! You're getting married!!"

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