The infirmary

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I wake from my dream with a groan, awoken by a deep masculine voice, it was such a good one!

"Ugh, Harry styles was about to invite me to his private penthouse in England, why'd you have to wake me Spike?" My eyes blink and adjust to the light, realizing that my only friend Spike isn't here, instead it's, it's, ITS


"H-hey, twilight. You feelin better gurl?" he asks his jawline and hair perfect as ever. "Oh, and don't worry, I brought you your books too!"

"Oh, uhm uhhh, yeah.." I mutter, remembering what happened."Thanks for my books"

He laughs a bit nervously. "Yeah, no problem. And, sorry for kind of throwing you into the pillar. You're just so.. so.." he trails off.

"Petite? Smol?" I offer "I know, it's just my curse I guess! I mean, look at my hoof compared to your hand! It's like a dust mite basically!!"

We place our hands together and one direction starts playing in my head again, the butterflies in my heart flutter to the beat of What Makes You Beautiful.

"Wow. Your hoof is kinda small. But I'll make sure to be more careful. Oh and, do you think you could maybe do something for me?"

This is where I draw the line, he is just like every other brick-headed person in the world.

"Are you serious!?" All of my shyness evaporates. "You broke my arm! Why do you think that I owe you?"

He thinks for a second, probably the longest he's ever thought. Ugh, I how I wished he was different. The prince with the lavender eyes, it's so romantic, but he's just using my.. nerdiness.

"You're right, let me make it up to you, so we're even," he says before running out of the diamond doors, leaving me before I can ask any questions.

I decide not to wonder what he's up to, but to go back to my dream and go to a beach in Mexico with Niall Horan.

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