The meeting

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I felt the wind get knocked out of my petite body, as I fall on the freshly polished diamond floor. All my spellbooks and papers fly everywhere!

"SHRIMP CUPCAKES" I cry, accidently breaking my mysterious shy silence and letting my intrusive thoughts win over for a second. Ugh, I'm sooo quirky.

"Oh my gosh!! Are you ok?" asks the big figure next to me, in my panic I didn't even notice the strong manly person on the freshly polished diamond floor next to me. I look up, taking a minute to finally find his face, i'm literally soooo short!! I find his chiseled jaw and then his sparkling amethyst eyes, then I realize who he is.

"Your m-m-m-majesty!!" I cry, hurrying to curtsy but decide, it isn't me, so I bow instead, knocking off my dark square taped up glasses.

"Oh no," He says in a deep sultry voice. "Let me help you." He picks up my glasses and slides them on my face, we make eye contact for a split second longer than normal, I swear I can hear one direction in my head! "I-I'm prince Hulk," he tells me.

I blink, "I'm Twilight Sparkle," I say.

Then the prince starts picking up my papers, I get embarrassed by how useless I must seem, just sitting here on the freshly polished diamond floor, so I help pick up my books. Prince Hulk looks at my pile of thicc books.

"Wow! You must be really smart!" he excaims

"Um.." I stutter, I'm kind of shy so I'm not used to talking, especially to royalty. "I guess, nerd alert!" we both laugh awkwardly. "I guess you must be one of the.. coolish nerds" he remarks, those lavender, sparkling eyes staring deep into mine. How I wish I had those eyes, mine are more mauve. I hate mauve eyes. I snap out of my thoughts, one of my quirky habits, I sigh inwardly, I can't take myself anywhere.

"Uhmm ya.. haha" I reply, my best attempt at a cool, upperclass response.

"Hey um, if you're so smart, do you think you can help me with a test? See in two weeks I turn 21 and-" 

"You have to take a test of smarts to see if you can run the country on your own, if you fail you have to marry a smart but not too smart queen, before you can rule. Page 3-19 of the royal rulebook. Yeah.. I know.." I trail off, realizing how nerdy I must sound to the prince!

"Exactly! I knew you were smart!" he elbows me like we've been friends for years, the slightest touch sends a spark up my arm in slow motion, before my body starts to fly into the closest pillar.

"AHAHAHHAHHAH!!" I cry, as I feel my smol petite leg breaking.

"Are you ok, Twilight Sparkle??" he exclaims, he rushes over and lifts me up, nearly crushing my delicate body. "Don't worry, I'll take you to the infirmary!"

That is the last thing I heard before it all went black, and I let myself drift into a one direction filled sleep in his strong sigma arms.

Twilight X Hulk senpai uwuWhere stories live. Discover now