The surprise

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"Hey Twilight," I hear a familiar voice and look up, happy to see Hulk. "I finally finished my surprise for you. Get in the wheelchair." 

I sit in the wheelchair, thinking of Harry Styles and trying not to slide out of the chair since my body was so petite. Finally we reached a big pair of diamond doors, they looked about a million feet high, but that could also be cause I'm so smol.

"And.. VOILA!" Hulk throws open the doors revealing 20ft tall bookshelves lining the walls, an old beautiful rug over the shiny diamond floor, there were desks with my spellbooks, and plush armchairs and couches, and telescopes and maps. There was everything my heart could ever desire.. Except maybe One direction..

"This.." For once I'm not quiet because I'm shy, I'm quiet because I'm speechless. "This, this is amazing Hulk! I- I was hoping you'd bring me a cookie or a.. book," I smile at my quirky nerdiness. "I-I never expected you to give me a library!! Th-Thank you"

Hulk smiles, his violet eyes twinkle. "I was hoping you'd forgive me for breaking your arm, and also maybe.. help me pass my test?"

I almost want to say no, after all, I've always been better off alone. But then I realize, that the prince with the lavender eyes might be what I had hoped he would be, and more. And maybe, he could be my Harry Styles, you could say..

"Sure," I say softly staring into his beautiful twilight-colored eyes. "I'll help you Prince Hulk.."

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