t h r e e

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It was weird, to say the least. One minute, they were walking out of the CIA building and the next, Charles had managed to talk himself onto the Coast Guard. Shockingly, it had worked, so Charles, Evelyn, Moira and Suit Man were walking through the boat. Without a single word being uttered, Charles gripped Evelyn's wrist softly and started walking in a completely different direction.

The telepath pushed the metal door open and they were on the deck outside. In the distance, Evelyn could see Shaw's boat, so close they could almost touch it. Charles didn't hesitate to press his fingers to his temple and search for the mutant in question as Suit Man guided them away from the Coast Guards.

"This is the U.S. Coast Guard. Do not attempt to move your vessel. Stay where you are" a voice rang out in the darkness, a spotlight illuminating Shaw's boat.

Evelyn chose to keep her eyes on Charles, making sure he was alright when his peaceful face turned confused. "I've lost Shaw" he stuttered out. "There's something blocking me. This has never happened to me before" Charles lowered his hand from his head. Evelyn quickly reassured him by placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I think there's something like me on that ship" Charles turned to the woman, a giddy smile on his lips. "Like you?" Moira asked in confusion. "I'm sorry, a telepath. This is incredible. I could actually feel her inside my mind. I'm very sorry but I don't think I'm going to be much help to you tonight. You're on your own" Charles clarified as he turned to the CIA agents behind him.

The wind started picking up and Evelyn tucked her hair behind her ear as it blew in front of her face. Dancing along the water was a tornado that was slowly getting bigger and bigger and it was heading straight for the coast guards.

"Oh my god" Charles breathed, following Evelyn's gaze. "Inside, now" Moira said but Evelyn was frozen as she watched the tornado come into contact with one of the boats. She was mesmerised by the way that mutant's powers worked. They reminded her of her own abilities but she was pulled from her thoughts when a hand grabbed onto her arm and pulled her backwards.

She turned quickly, her eyes wide and she saw Charles leading her inside with a concerned look on his face. The group started rushing down the stairs but stopped when the entire ship shook, Evelyn gripping onto the railing as Charles placed a hand on her back to steady her.

They started back down the stairs but stopped once more when Charles cried out in pain.

"Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop" he repeated, grabbing onto Evelyn for stability. "What's wrong? Are you alright?" she asked immediately, her eyes filled with worry. "There's someone else out there" he breathed. He took off running back up the stairs and Evelyn was right behind him.

"There!" Charles pointed at the water as Evelyn leaned against the railing. Her eyes widened as she saw a man being pulled through the water as he tried to pull a submarine above the water. "Let go! You have to let it go!" Charles screamed in panic. "Let go!" Evelyn joined in with the screaming.

"You got to help him. You got to put someone in the water to help him" Charles insisted, turning around as Evelyn kept screaming at the man in the water. Evelyn huffed before ripping off her jacket and climbing up onto the railing.

"Evelyn, wait!" Charles screamed as the woman leaped off the boat, diving deep down into the icy water. She saw the man about ten feet below her and she swam downwards, grabbing hold of the man and trying to pull him up towards the surface. He made eye contact with her, a confused look on his face but he soon looked back to the submarine.

Evelyn felt the water shift around her and she turned her head, seeing Charles also grabbing onto the man and her eyes widened. Out of nowhere, the water started shifting around them, bubbles floating around them as the three of them felt a current push them up towards the surface.

The two men looked around wildly, confused at what was happening but Evelyn stayed calm as two pockets of air formed around the faces of the men. They finally breached the surface and Evelyn gasped for air, pushing the hair out of her face. "Get off me! Get off me!" the man yelled, pushing Charles away.

Charles immediately grabbed hold of Evelyn, pulling her close to him. "Calm down! Just breathe!" Charles raised a hand in surrender, the other still tightly wrapped around Evelyn's waist. "We're here!" Evelyn called up to the coast guard.

"Who are you?" the man asked, finally calming down slightly. "My name is Charles Xavier" Charles replied. "And I'm Evelyn Miller" Evelyn sighed. "You were in my head. How did you do that?" the man asked.

"You have your tricks, I have mine. I'm like you, just calm your mind" Charles replied. "I thought I was alone" the man said, looking between the other two shivering people. "You're not alone, Erik. You're not alone" Charles spat out some water as he spoke.


The three of them were hauled on board and Erik coughed up some more water. Evelyn quickly grabbed two blankets and threw one over Erik's shoulders before wrapping Charles in the other, rubbing his upper arms to try and warm him up.

"Where's your blanket?" Charles asked, his teeth chattering together. "There were only two available" she shrugged, looking around for more.

"Take mine" Charles moved to take his off. "No, absolutely not" Evelyn denied, pulling the blanket back over him. "You'll freeze to death, Eve" Charles deadpanned before holding out his blanket, making room for her to come underneath it as well.

She smiled softly before moving underneath the blanket, Charles' arm wrapped around her shoulders. Moira finally showed up and led the three of them into a small room with a small table and sofa.

"I'll go grab something to drink. Something hot" Moira said, leaving the three shivering souls alone. Charles and Evelyn sat down on the couch together, still huddled under one blanket as Erik stood, watching the two warily.

"Why did you stop me?" Erik asked after a few moments of silence. "You were going to drown yourself" Charles replied. "I had him. I had him and you two made me lose him all over again" Erik seethed. "If we hadn't stopped you, he would've gotten away regardless except this time, you'd be dead" Evelyn spoke up as she rubbed her hands together.

"Moira is with the CIA, and we believe Shaw is behind a ploy to launch missiles in Turkey. They're transferring us to a covert CIA base until they can figure out what to do. We would be relieved if you joined us" Charles explained, rubbing Evelyn's arm slowly to try and warm her up.

"And what about you two? I take it you're...together?" Erik asked slowly and both of them went a brilliant shade of pink. "I-no...we're just friends" Evelyn stammered. "Strictly...business" Charles agreed and the two shifted away from each other slightly, Charles' hand dropping from around Evelyn's shoulders.

"When we were under the water, it felt like we were being pushed upwards. And then Erik and I had an air pocket surrounding our faces" Charles spoke up after a minute of silence. Evelyn remained silent, keeping her eyes trained on the ground and Charles nodded.

"That's your mutation. Isn't it?" Charles asked. "Hydrokinesis and Cryokinesis. Although I haven't had much practice with the second bit" Evelyn sighed. "What's that?" Erik asked.

"Hydrokinesis is the control and manipulation of water. Cryokinesis is the control and manipulation of ice" Evelyn explained as Charles watched her. "That is remarkable" he breathed and she looked at him. "Do you think you could make us dry?" Erik asked, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "Don't you think I would've done that already?" Evelyn retorted and Charles smiled as Erik nodded his head in agreement.

Brainwaves - Charles XavierWhere stories live. Discover now