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The group turned towards the submarine and their eyes widened in horror. Floating out of the submarine was Shaw, dead, and Erik was following him. The disgusting helmet the enemy once wore now upon a friend's head.

Evelyn's eyes fell to Charles', who was approaching the group. He was scared. And that fear only intensified when he looked at Evelyn. Because he was only just now realising what he could lose. "Today our fighting stops!" Erik announced, dropping Shaw's body like a ragdoll. Erik lowered himself to the floor and Evelyn watched with wide eyes.

She did not recognise that man.

"Take off your blinders, brothers and sisters. The real enemy is out there. I feel their guns moving in the water. their metal, targeting us. Americans, Soviets, humans. United in their fear of the unknown. The Neanderthal is running scared, my fellow mutants!" Erik stated, turning to the telepath that now walked in time with him.

"Go ahead, Charles. Tell me I'm wrong" he spoke.

Charles dropped his hand in horror, his breathing growing uneven as he shared a look with Evelyn, who had hobbled closer to them. They both knew it then and there. They were going to die.

In a flurry of explosions, missiles from all of the ships were fired. Evelyn kept her eyes on Charles as she prepared for either unimaginable pain or nothing. However, that feeling never came. Erik held his hand up and the missiles paused in the air, freezing only metres away from the sand. Although, Erik didn't just lower them to the ground.

He turned them around.

"Erik, you said it yourself. We're the better men. This is the time to prove it" Charles urged him. "There are thousands of men on those ships. Good, honest, innocent men. They're just following orders" Charles begged and Erik looked at him. "I've been at the mercy of men just following orders. Never again" Erik responded before sending the missiles flying back towards the ships.

"Erik, release them!" Charles screamed at him. Evelyn took a deep breath and raised both her hand. And everyone froze in shock as they watched the ocean rise up, forming a wall of water that separated the ships from the missiles. Erik looked at her in confusion and Charles took the chance to tackle Erik to the ground.

Strings of water like tentacles shot out of the water and wrapped around some of the missiles, yanking them down into the ocean. Erik regained control of the missiles and suddenly, this became a battle between Erik and Evelyn.

Whose mutation was stronger?

Evelyn strained as she felt the missiles trying to pull out of the long tendrils of water and she was dragged forward through the sand slightly, almost being pulled with the missiles. She bit back a wince as her leg screamed in pain, instead pulling more water up and managing to drag more missiles down.

Charles tried his best to get the helmet off of Erik only to get a punch in response. This slight distraction gave Evelyn enough time to pull more than half the missiles down into the water. Erik stood away from Charles and raised his other hand, overpowering Evelyn and making her cry out in pain as she skidded forwards in the sand.

"Erik! Please!" she cried and he glanced back at her, his powers wavering slightly as he realised he was hurting her. Regret flashed in his eyes but he was quickly distracted when a bullet ricocheted off the helmet he was wearing but unfortunately, it also distracted Evelyn. Those were metal bullets. And Charles was getting to his feet as Erik deflected them.

"Get down!" she screamed, managing to run forwards as Erik deflected a bullet.

And time slowed down. The water wall she had formed came crashing down and all the missiles were pulled into the water.

Brainwaves - Charles XavierWhere stories live. Discover now