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The plane was fast and unfortunately, Evelyn could see just how high they were because of the windows. And so, she was gripping her buckles as tight as possible while she tried not to have an existential crisis.

"Still don't like heights?" Erik teased and she slowly turned her head to glare at him. "Can I drown him?" she asked no one in particular. "No" Raven, Charles and Moira spoke at the same time that Sean and Alex also said "Yes" and she huffed.

"Looks pretty messy out there" Hank observed as the plane shifted. Evelyn watched as Charles placed his fingers to his temple and he almost instantly pulled them away, a slight wince on his features. "The crew of the Aral Sea are all dead. Shaw's been there" Charles spoke and Evelyn placed a hand over his, squeezing it softly.

"He's still here. Somewhere" Erik responded. "He's set the ship on course for the Embargo Line" Charles continued as he glanced at Moira, in need of more information. "If that ship crosses the line, our boys are gonna blow it up. And the war begins" Moira responded.

"Unless they're not our boys" Charles trailed off before immediately using his powers once more. Evelyn was confused to say the least at what Charles was planning to do but she didn't have much time to think about it because the planed rolled to the side.

Evelyn all but screamed as she gripped Charles' hand tightly, Erik's arm crossing over her body to hold her in place as the plane continued spinning. "Fuck, we're all gonna die" Evelyn muttered as she squeezed her eyes shut. "Hold on!" Charles shouted, his arm also crossing in front of Evelyn.

The plane finally levelled out and Erik let go of Evelyn, allowing the woman to pat his knee in thanks before taking deep breaths to calm herself down. "A little warning next time, Professor" Hank remarked, looking over his shoulder.

"Sorry about that" Charles gave him a tight smile before catching sight of Sean. "You alright?" Charles asked, concerned. "Yeah" Sean breathed out unconvincingly. "Deep breaths, Sean, we'll be fine" Evelyn tried to reassure him.

"You're the one that said we're all gonna die!" he protested. "Moment of weakness" she defended herself, which caused Sean to crack a smile. Moira began flicking switches, looking at the telepath. "That was inspired, Professor" she smiled and Evelyn glared at her.

"Thank you very much. But I still can't locate Shaw" Charles responded. "He's down there. We need him, now!" Erik announced sternly. "Hank?" Charles looked to the man in question.

"Is there anything unusual on radar or scanners?" Hank asked Moira. "No, nothing" Moira replied instantly. "Well then he must be underwater and obviously we don't have sonar" Hank stated angrily. "I mean, I could try and move the water enough so we can see him?" Evelyn suggested.

"Why do that when we have sonar?" Sean spoke up and Charles and Evelyn both came to the same realisation at the same time. They both unbuckled their belts and took off their headsets, Sean following behind them. "Hank! Level the bloody plane!" Charles screamed as they made their way to the back of the plane.

Evelyn and Erik stayed back as Charles and Sean moved towards the door. "Woah, you back right off!" Sean announced, pointing a finger at Erik. "Beast! Open the bomb-bay doors!" Sean shouted to Hank.

The silver doors opened with a mechanical sound and Charles began talking to Sean, most likely giving him a pep talk and with one last 'woo' from Sean, he jumped off the plane and into the water. Charles immediately connected himself to Sean's mind and waited patiently before his eyes lit up.

"Banshee's got a location on Shaw! You ready for this?" Charles spoke, walking up to Erik.

"Let's find out" Erik responded before he moved towards the bay doors, Charles pausing next to Evelyn. "Get back to your seat" he told her, not leaving any room to argue. "I-" she went to protest but stopped. "Be careful, Charles" she pressed a kiss to his cheek before moving towards her seat.

As she was walking back to her seat, fighting the wind pulling her backwards, she caught sight of a submarine flying outside the window and she looked at it in awe.

"Hold on guys. This is about to get bumpy" Hank spoke and a tornado started forming next to the plane. "Erik!" Evelyn heard Charles screaming and she immediately turned around, her eyes wide when she released her friend was still outside the plane.

She quickly made her way towards them, reaching a hand down to Erik alongside Charles and the plane shifted, coming into contact with the tornado. The plane jerked and sent Evelyn flying forwards out of the doors, falling past Erik, who managed to grab her wrist.

He groaned as his grip on her started slipping. "Let me go!" she screamed. "Are you insane?!" he screamed back. "Trust me!" she yelled as Charles screamed something she couldn't hear. When Erik still didn't let go of her, she pulled her arm down and she slipped from his grasp.

"Evelyn!" he screamed as she plummeted towards the water.

She quickly used her powers as best as she could and made the water encase her, lessening the impact slightly but that didn't stop her from hitting the sand considering how close she was to the shore.

She felt something in her leg snap and she screamed out in pain, getting the water to push her up and onto the beach. She watched with wide eyes as the submarine crashed onto the beach and the plane spiralled out of control. "Charles!" she screamed before the plane crashed into the sand, rolling several times.

She tried to stand but her left leg immediately gave out, accompanied by a searing pain. She groaned but got to her feet, hopping on her right leg towards the plane. "Charles! Erik!" she yelled as she reached the broken plane, making her way inside.

She saw Charles and Erik getting the others out of their seats and Charles immediately turned at the sound of her voice.

"Eve!" he spoke, helping Alex down before rushing up to her, embracing her tightly. "God, are you alright?" he asked urgently, pulling away and gripping her shoulders. "I...my leg hurts but I'll be fine. Are you okay?" she asked quickly, cupping her face. "I'm fine" he nodded, relief filling his eyes.

Charles quickly looped an arm around her waist so she could stand easier. "I read the teleporter's mind. Shaw is drawing all the power out of the sub, he's turning himself into some kind of nuclear bomb" Charles informed the rest of the mutants.

"That's not good" Evelyn muttered.

"Are you okay?" Erik came up to the woman and she nodded. "I'm fine" she lied and he gave her a look but said nothing anyway. "I'm going in" Erik announced, giving Evelyn a once-over again. "Beast, Havok. Back him up" Charles commanded. "Erik, I can guide you in but I need you to shut down whatever is blocking me and we just hope to god that it's not too late for me to stop him" he finished explained his plan.

"Got it" Erik nodded in understanding. The men left and Raven was also about to leave. "Raven, stop!" Charles called out. "I'm going to help them!" Raven shouted back at him. "We don't have time for this. anything that comes in that entrance, you're taking care of it, yes?" Charles raised his eyebrows at her, challenging her. "Fine" Raven gave in.

"Tidal, come with me" Raven turned to Evelyn, who Charles was still holding up. "Eve-" Charles started. "I'll be fine. I've got anther leg" she reassured him, pressing a quick kiss to his lips before limping her way over to Raven.

They snuck their way onto the submarine, looking around for Erik but Raven froze, seeing Azazel and Hank appear on the beach outside. "Hank!" Raven announced in panic, running towards the opening of the ship. Evelyn stayed inside and slowly started to bring water over to her, shifting it into ice.

She made her way outside using a different hole and was behind Azazel. She formed the ice into what resembled a baseball bat or a club and Raven distracted the teleporter by shifting into Shaw.

Azazel eyed fake-Shaw suspiciously, which allowed Evelyn to swing the ice-bat around the back of his head and knock him out, sending him crashing to the sand. "Nice swing" Raven complimented, shifting back into her blue self. Alex and Sean were now back on the beach and the trio made their way over to them.

"Jesus, what happened to your leg?" Sean asked the woman, his eyes landing on her injured leg. "Fell out a plane" she shrugged nonchalantly and they all looked at her weirdly. Before they could say anything, they heard Charles screaming in pain from inside the plane and Evelyn's eyes widened.

"Oh god" she breathed before limping in that direction as fast as she physically could. However, the creaking of the submarine stopped her in her tracks and she realised that this battle had only just begun.

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