thirty five

89 13 77

Scarlett Redd

The week flew by after we dropped off Miles at the airport.

He and Vincent really hit it off. They're planning to come back for his graduation and to see his signing.

Now that the snow has cleared up, I've been back to work, leaving Vin to spend his days in bed, at the gym, or practicing at the rink.

His birthday's this Saturday and I still wasn't sure what to get him as a gift. What do you get someone who insists he has everything he needs?

"Scar, seriously, is that a good idea?" Stella asks through the phone.

It kinda slipped when they saw the smile planted on my face every time they called.

"Are you ready for that?" Kaia jumps in.

Was I ready for that?

We've been spending day to night together for almost two weeks. To be honest, it's been beyond perfect.

There's just something about him that keeps pulling me back in.

"Maybe I'll settle on a shirt? How about a hat?"

"You went from wanting to have sex with him to a hat. Are you serious?!" Brooke shouts through our three-way call.

Those are both great gift ideas, but not for him.

"Maybe commitment? That's a pretty good gift, for both him and I?" I suggest.

"Sex was a better offer," Stella mumbles. "I'm just saying!"

"Commitment is great, but it's not you who needs to give it to him, he has to give it to you!" Kaia argues.

"Why don't you tell him that you're ready to be his girlfriend again and then sleep with him?" Brooke offers.

I roll my eyes as the girls laugh.

"Guys just want one thing Scar, you know that!" Stella reminds us.

"How about I get him an actual gift, and we just see where the night takes us? I don't wanna stress myself out only to let down my expectations!"

"At least book a waxing!" Kaia shouts behind Stella.

"I already did it!"

"Ah-ha! So you are planning to have sex!" Brooke chimes back in.

"Ugh. He's gonna be back soon, I gotta finish shopping! I'll text you guys later!" I say as I hang up on them before they can say anything else.

I have about two hours to spare before he's done at the Green Dragon. Calum gave him a few shifts for cash so he agreed to work a couple before the break.

Maybe he'd appreciate something more sentimental.

I can bake him a cake! But it might turn out inedible...

How about writing him letters? Reasons why I'm giving him another chance and that I love him.

I really have started to follow for him. I just won't admit that too early, unlike himself. It's supposed to be romantic, authentic, something from the heart!

The letters could work!

But that isn't enough...

He didn't want to go for dinner either. He argued that we have plenty at home.

I could cook him dinner as a part of my gift. I'm not too shabby in the kitchen! I'll make him his favorite! Steak, mashed potatoes, and Caesar salad. So it's settled.

Face-Off With Fate: A Rink RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now