~ Prologue ~

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Gon and Killua had just finished clearing Greed Island and were on their way to finding Gon's dad, Ging.

"Yes! Let's go!" Gon was jumping around happily in the air.

"What will you do first when you meet your dad?" Bisky asked him.

"Well, of course, I'd introduce him to Killua!" Gon smiled widely. "My best friend in the whole world!"

Killua blushed and turned away in embarrassment. "Baka! Don't say things like that! It's embarrassing..."

"Heh, anywaaaay, come on, Killua!" Gon pulled out the Accompany Card that they were able to keep from the game. "Ready?"

"Yeah. Just hurry up."

"Ok! Accompany O-" As you saw, Gon was about to use the card, but suddenly a weird purple portal appeared and started to pull the three hunters in.

"Wah!" Gon tried to stay on his feet.

"What's happening?!" Killua shouted.

"Stay together, boys!" Bisky told them as they were trying to pull away from the portal. But then, Gon lost his grip and he was dragged into it.

"Gon!" Killua grunted. "Hold on!" He made his body loose and let himself get dragged in as well.

"Ugh, you idiots!" Bisky yelled as she dived in after them, but the portal closed before she could make it in time. "Huh? Where did it go?" She looked at her surroundings, but saw nothing. "Well isn't this great?"


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