~ 3: Mr. Aizawa ~

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After that incident, Gon was taken to the Hosu City police station to personally speak with the officers and pro hero Endeavor. He genuinely didn't know what trouble he had caused since all he did was help the civilians.

"Name?" Endeavor, the flaming man, had asked.

"I'm Gon."

"Family name?"


"Hm, okay. And do you know how much trouble you caused?"

"No, I'm sorry, but I don't. All I did was help people! Why am I in trouble for that?"

"You can't be going around acting like a hero when you aren't qualified to do so." Endeavor said sternly. "Haven't you learned this in school?"

Gon shook his head. "I was homeschooled..."

"So, your parents are at fault for not teaching you common sense?"

"Don't talk about my-!"

Endeavor slammed his fist on the table, interrupting Gon's words with anger. "Let me inform you, it's not alright for people who aren't pro heroes to be protecting the city. If the public knew about you taking down the villains, you would be punished. That's just our law. You're lucky not a lot of people witnessed you killing those Nomu."

Gon scratched his head. He wasn't sure what law the flaming man was talking about and why he was so serious about it. Oh! Maybe he'll let me off the hook if I show him my hunter license! Reaching into his pocket, Gon pulled out a card. "Here, this is my hunter license! I'm a pro hunter."

Endeavor moved his face closer to the card and examined it. "What kind of nonsense is this? Did you make it yourself? Are you trying to trick a pro hero?"

Gon was surprised that the man didn't recognize the card. But then again, Gon didn't understand what the man meant by 'pro hero' either. "No, it's real! I promise, I'm not a fake!"

"Go play make believe with your little friends." Endeavor huffed, not wanting to deal with some kid any longer. "I'm going to get the detective. You stay right where you are."

Gon's shoulders slumped as he put his hunter license back in his pocket. I wish Killua were here... he'd know what to do.

A few seconds later, detective Tsukauchi walked into the room. "Hello, Gon. How are you?"

"Just fine," Gon awkwardly grinned.

"Haha, okay. So, I'm going to let you off the hook this time since Endeavor told me you weren't aware of the rules. Tell me one of your parent's phone numbers so I can give them a call to pick you up. Wouldn't want you causing more trouble this late at night."

"Oh... um..." Gon thought about what to say since he was technically on a mission to find one of his parents. "Well, they're on vacation right now, so I've been living with a friend!"

Endeavor and Tsukauchi looked at each other before returning their gazes to Gon. "Do you know your friend's parents' numbers?"

"No, I don't..."

"Alright. If we let you go, do you promise not to cause more trouble and get to your friend's house safely?"

"Yes! I promise!"

Just then Aizawa walked into the station, requesting to speak about the Hero Killer's whereabouts after the incident. Tsukauchi told him that the Hero Killer was put in jail, and he had a video clip that he would look into later to which Aizawa asked if he could also see it. Tsukauchi agreed and told him he'd send it over later, but at the moment, he asked if Aizawa could follow Gon home to make sure he got there safely.

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