~ 8: Familiar Faces ~

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Right away, Killua started running toward the building the people were on. Gon was following close behind.

As they approached the entrance and opened the door, a sudden wave of a familiar aura exploded in the hunters' faces. There was no way the two didn't recognize it after encountering it one too many times. Killua and Gon glanced at each other, knowing exactly whose aura it was. Hisoka.

"Killua... he's not... he's not actually here, is he?" Gon asked, eyebrows furrowing as he studied the stairs in front of him that led to the roof.

With a gulp, Killua replied, "There's only one way to find out..."

The hunters slowly ascended the steps, activating their Zetsu in the process. They couldn't let their presence be sensed. However, as they kept climbing up, the intimidating aura that they had felt moments earlier disappeared. As a precaution, they kept their guard up and kept on their Zetsu.

Finally, they reached the door that led to the roof.

Killua whispered, "Carefully open the door..."

Gon slowly put his hand on the door, creaking it open bit by bit. He was trying to be as stealthy as possible so as to not draw any attention to them. Once the door was halfway open, both hunters peeked through. But they didn't see anyone in their view.

"No one's there..." Gon whispered, eyes darting around.

"They must've known that someone was coming..." said Killua. "Let's go take a look out there." He kicked the door open all the way and walked out. Just as they had seen before, no one was visible around them.

With a twitch of his ear, Killua heard an eerie sound coming from the side of the rooftop. He immediately turned to his left. There he was, a man with swirling purple smoke around him leaning against the side of the pillars that were on the roof. It was none other than the warp gate villain, Kurogiri.

Killua recognized him right away. "You..."

"Uh, Killua..." Gon saw the man, too. "Who is that?"

"Remember those villains I told you about? He's the one with the portal. The one who brought us here."

The man stepped out from the shadows, no expression on his face. "So, you've spread the word about the League already, have you?"

Killua glared at him, assuming a defensive stance. "What are you doing up here?"

Kurogiri moved closer, causing the hunters to jump back in order to increase distance. "Don't worry, I'm not here to cause trouble. I was only having a meeting with a new acquaintance, which was cut short because of you two children."

Killua's eyebrows furrowed, suspecting that the acquaintance Kurogiri mentioned was Hisoka. It had to be. He and Gon felt Hisoka's aura before coming up.

The villain started to study Killua's and Gon's faces, trying to sense fear, but he only sensed annoyance. "Have you thought about the deal?" Kurogiri directed his question to Killua.

Killua's brain twitched as he recalled the offer the villains had presented him a few days ago. "About joining you?"

"Yes. Have you come up with an answer?"

"He won't join you, weird witchy man!" Gon told the villain, clenching his fists in a defensive stance.

Kurogiri let out a small chuckle before glaring at the boy. "I don't think I was asking you, now was I?"

Killua glanced at Gon and whispered, "Gon, let me handle this..."

Gon frowned but didn't say anything else.

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