~ 5: U.A. ~

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The rest of the day yesterday was spent at the market. Aizawa realized that he now had to watch over two kids, which meant he had to provide for them as well. The man never thought the day would come where he would be doing something like this, but it was a good thing that he had extra savings. Aizawa gave Killua and Gon some money to buy clothing, basic household items, and snacks, and yes, they ended up spending it all, even a little bit over the budget...

While shopping, Killua and Gon took notice of the different writing system in this world. Everyone seemed to speak the same language as them, but the way they wrote and read were much different. Aizawa took note of this, knowing that he would have to teach the two boys much more than he had wanted to.

"Why can't you two read?" Aizawa asked blatantly after seeing them struggle with reading the words on a package of chips.

"Oh, well, back on Whale Island, we were taught another system of writing." Gon had explained. "There's a lot of things we don't understand here, hehe..."

Aizawa sighed for the hundredth time that day. Perhaps I should send them to a primary school instead.

The hunters also noticed just how modern everything was in this new world. The buildings were tall, equipped with a lot of advanced technology. They were so fascinated and intrigued by the shops that it took them forever just to explore one. The currency used was another differing factor; it was called Yen instead of Jenny. The boys didn't know what the conversion would be if they were to convert their Jenny into Yen, but they decided not to worry about it because they didn't have any Jenny on them anyway.

They were also able to take in much of the new atmosphere, and they saw exactly what was different from their own world. The citizens were a mix of weird, wacky, and normal; some looked like your average human being while others looked like an abomination of animals and strange entities. Killua and Gon found that to be strange but also interesting. There were so many new things to explore and see that Gon didn't want to leave.

Once the next day came, Aizawa woke them up very early. It was one minute before six in the morning, and he had set an alarm. He stood next to where Killua and Gon were sleeping, the bed in the guest room, and waited for the alarm to go off. "RIIINGGGG!"

"Huh?!" The hunters awoke so startled that they fell off the bed.

Gon sluggishly got up. He blinked his eyes and rubbed out the gunk before asking, "Mr. Aizawa, why did you wake us so early...?"

"Because today," Aizawa grinned. "We are going to train."

"Training?!" Killua shouted. But we just finished training with a hag, and now we're gonna train with another old person?!

"Yes, we're going to U.A. and are going to use their training facilities so that I can assess your level of strength. I look forward to seeing what you already know."

"What's U.A.?" Gon wondered.

Aizawa thought it was another oddity how boys their age hadn't heard of the school. "It's the number one hero training school in Japan."

"Wait a second," Killua held out his palm, facing Aizawa's face. "A hero training school?"

"That's what I said. Now, let's go." As he exited the room, Aizawa played the alarm again, the boys behind him groaning as they got ready for their early morning training session.

"Gon, I thought we were going to live a chill life after we met Aizawa, not suddenly go training with him at some hero school. Like, what even is that?"

"Well, it's kinda like our hunter training, right? Remember, they're all heroes here."

"Yeah... but that means we have to train to become heroes, too?!"

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