~ 4: Realization ~

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The next morning, Killua awoke with a sweat. His senses were on high alert as he realized he was in an unfamiliar place. The room was bright, filled from the rays of the sun that shone through the windows, and the smell of unfamiliar fabric filled his nose. He was lying on a couch, and a picture of a cat on the wall seemed to be staring directly at him.

Being cautious, wondering who had brought him here, he sat up, looking around to see if anyone else was around. His mind raced through the events of the previous night: lying down on a bench to rest, feeling a lingering aura in the air, hearing the screams of a man, and then approaching to investigate. He remembered a sudden, sharp pain as his head was bashed into someone's knee before everything went black.

Could the person who knocked me out have taken me here? Killua's eyes narrowed. He silently slipped off the couch, crouching low to avoid being seen. He moved towards the nearest door, his footsteps silent and measured. Just as he was about to reach it, he heard a familiar voice.


"Ah!" Startled, Killua instinctively shifted into a defensive stance, ready to strike. But then he saw Gon smiling at him, his bright eyes filled with relief. "Gon?"

"Yep! It's me! How do you feel?" Gon asked brightly, immediately causing Killua's guard to drop.

Killua rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. When he blinked again, Gon was indeed in front of him. "Gon!" Then he ran over and gave his friend a big hug.

"Oh!" Gon hugged him back and giggled.

Killua realized what he had just done and immediately let go, his face flushed with embarrassment. "Baka! Where were you?"

"I was at a police station last night," Gon explained, as if it were the most normal thing in the world.

Killua blinked, thinking, 'I'm not with him for one night, and he goes to a police station?'

"Don't worry! I didn't do anything bad!" Gon quickly added. "I was there because apparently I'm not supposed to be fighting bad guys without being a pro hero?"

"You were fighting, too? I did see you fly away with some weird, winged animal, and I tried to get to you, but I lost you in the crowd."

"Oh, that? I have no idea what those things were, but they were pretty fun to fight!" Gon laughed. "Anyway, what happened to you last night?"

"I'm not sure." Killua's mind blanked. He couldn't remember who had knocked him unconscious or why. He did, however, remember seeing some splotches of yellow and purple before he completely passed out. "Where did you find me, Gon?"

"You were out cold in the middle of a sidewalk last night, so I got Mr. Aizawa to help me take you to his house. He's super nice and is letting us stay here."

"Mr. Aizawa?"

With the mention of his name, Aizawa came out in his pajamas. "That's right. I was only going to let you two stay the night, but after I talked with Gon, it seems that you two will have to live with me for the time being. Not that I enjoy having the company of two kids..."

Killua's mouth fell open, not expecting a tall, hairy man who looked like a zombie to appear before him. He turned to Gon in horror. "You convinced this guy to let us stay with him?"

"Yeah, is something wrong?" Gon tilted his head.

Killua's mouth twitched, but he held back any comments. He trusts people too easily!

Aizawa cleared his throat. "Anyway, I changed you out of your clothes and washed them because they were all soiled. You don't have any recollection of what happened to you last night?"

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