~ 13: Kiyashi Ward ~

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Class resumed for another day before summer break. Aizawa started the morning off with bad news by telling everyone that some people failed the practical exam, but everyone passed the written exam, surprising Gon and Killua. The hunters felt a sense of joy as they didn't expect to pass it.

However, everyone who failed the practical would have to take extra lessons at the camp with Aizawa. To brighten up the mood, Hagakure suggested that the class go to Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall the next day in order to prepare for the summer camp.

So, that's where Killua and Gon were: waiting in the center of the mall for everyone else. "Killua, it's so big!" Gon kept turning at every corner of the mall. The mall was so modern, and the amount of candy stores that were in it was like heaven for Killua.

When the class arrived, Hagakure said that they all should separate into little groups and shop for things they would need for the training camp. Then in an hour or two, they would all meet back at the center.

Killua and Gon decided to go shopping with Midoriya and his friends. Before coming here, Aizawa had given them a card to buy training clothes, equipment, and things like bug spray and sunscreen.

Their first spot was obviously one of the candy shops though.

"You sure have a sweet tooth, Killua." Uraraka pointed out. "I remember when Gon told us you spent all his money on chocolate robots!"

Killua glared at her, his face stuffed with chocolate. "We don't talk about that."

"I'm gonna go to the sports store," Midoriya said. He had been wanting to get more little weights to put in his room so he could train while studying or just chilling in the house.

"Can I come with you, Deku?" Gon asked.

Killua made a face that said, 'No! Don't leave me with these two, Gon!' but Gon went anyway.

While the green haired boys went over to the sports store, Killua followed Uraraka and Iida around. Uraraka mainly went shopping for beach necessities, which Killua thought were unimportant as they were going to a training camp, not some vacation spot. Iida was shopping for polo shirts and glasses wipes, also boring to the hunter. Killua wished Gon would come back already. Why had he been gone for so long?

Just then, Killua saw a familiar blue haired man lurking in the corner. He accidentally made eye contact with him. The man gestured for Killua to come over. Is that the Shiga-whatever guy? Killua made sure Uraraka and Iida were not paying attention before he slipped away.

He followed Shigaraki through the mall until the man finally stopped in front of an empty fountain. He turned around and smiled widely at Killua. "It's been so, so, sooooo long since we last met, Zoldyck."

Killua's face contorted in confusion and disgust. "I don't ever remember giving you my name."

"Oh, you know, I hear some things here and there... You forgot to come meet me?"

Killua wanted to beat the man up right then and there, but he held himself back. "I guess you didn't get the message? I don't want to join your little league or whatever you call it."

Shigaraki grinned. "I understand if you're too scared to want to associate with the League, so if you truly don't care about the warp gate anymore, then I'll just have to treat you as one of our threats, not an ally."

Killua tried not to show any emotion towards the villain. He couldn't let the man's words convince him. Even though he had told Gon that he would focus on the Accompany Card, underneath all that talk, the warp gate still lingered on his mind.

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