~ 12: Exams ~

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 "Alright, everyone," Aizawa was at the front of the room, holding big stacks of papers. "Today marks the first day of the written exam. You have three days to complete it. Right after, we'll start the practical. Any questions?"

The class was silent.

"Good. If you studied, then you should do well. Now, you may start."

It was the first day of the written exams and Killua and Gon were trying to put their knowledge to good use. Even though Aizawa told them they didn't have to do the actual written portion, he still prepared a modified version of it for the two hunters. It was a good thing that they had studied with the class because even though it was very chaotic, they got some good practice in, and the hunters felt pretty confident.

Two more days of this exact thing flew by. Killua and Gon had gotten so burnt out from the exam each day that all they did was sleep and eat after getting home. They didn't get that much rest during Greed Island in the first place, so having the extra sleep was like a god send.

Before they knew it, the day of the practical exam was finally here.

"You all worked hard on the written exams, but now it's time to test your skills." Mr. Aizawa was explaining the rules of the practical exam. "Of course, it is possible to fail, so if you want to go to the training camp, then don't make any stupid mistakes. I'm also sure that you all gathered some information beforehand, so you might have an idea of what you'll be doing."

"Yeah!" Kaminari and Mina exclaimed. "We'll be fighting robots just like the entrance exam!"

Then Aizawa's scarf started shaking before Principal Nezu popped out. "But the exams will obviously be different this time around!"

"Principal Nezu?!" The class was surprised.

"We want to focus on hero work, person to person combat, and teaching that is closer to actual fighting." Nezu jumped down. "So you're going to form teams of two and fight against one of the teachers!"

The class was even more surprised when they heard that.

Mr. Aizawa started to tell everyone their teams. "I have created teams based on many factors such as fighting style, grades, and personal relationships. First, Yaoyorozu and Todoroki are one team, and they'll be fighting against me.

Then, it'll be Midoriya and Bakugo..."

The said students were shocked.

"They'll be fighting against—"

Suddenly a figure appeared from the sky and landed on the ground. "Me!" It was All Might.

"All Might?!"

"Mighty man!" Gon waved at him.

All Might just winked and grinned back.

"Now," Nezu started. "Here are the rest of the teams!"

After the other teams were announced, Aizawa turned to Killua and Gon. "Gon, Killua, you two will fight against any teacher who has won against a student. If no one loses, then you'll just fight against me."

The hunters nodded.

"The students will be the heroes while the teachers are acting as the villains. Your time limit is thirty minutes!" Nezu said. "You have to either put these handcuffs on the teacher or one of you has to escape through the escape gate."

"While everyone else fights, you can decide whether or not you want to watch the battles, or you can come up with a plan of your own." Aizawa told everyone. "The first team to fight is Sato and Kirishima."

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