~ 6: All Might ~

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A gruesome day of studying concepts and letters had passed. Killua and Gon were starting to think that maybe they shouldn't have embarked on this side journey after all, but they didn't give up because they had to learn about this world if they were going to be here until they found a way home.

Getting through the alphabet was smooth as the hunters noticed that some of the symbols were slightly the same as the symbols in their hunter language. They had the same pronunciations, just different by appearance. By the end of the day, Killua and Gon were able to successfully write their names in this new writing system.

Aizawa also gave them their first basic lesson on heroes, villains, and quirks. After learning it all, the world started to make sense just a bit more. Gon was super excited to keep learning because he was fascinated by these concepts. Most of all, he couldn't wait until he got to meet his classmates once they started their first day at U.A. He wanted to ask everyone about their quirks, so he could see the different range of abilities everyone has.

Killua was also pretty interested in seeing everyone's quirks, wondering just how strong some of them could be. When Aizawa talked about villains though, Killua's mind kept lingering back to Shigaraki and Kurogiri whom he had met on the roof the night of the Hosu incident. He remembered their offer, asking him to help them take down All Might in exchange for the portal back home, but Killua wasn't sure if he would actually accept it after learning the system of heroes and villains. He would have to think about it some more.

Now, it was one day before the hero internships were over for the other students, and Killua and Gon were doing basic quirk training with Aizawa out in the field beside U.A. Aizawa was currently explaining what the tests would be to the hunters. "You'll be doing a 50-meter dash, grip strength test, standing long jump, repeated side steps, ball throw, distance run, and seated toe touch."

Killua crossed his arms, wondering what the point of these tests really were. "Those seem like pretty standard physical tests. Aren't you supposed to be testing our quirks?"

"I suppose it's both," Aizawa replied. "It's to see how your quirks enhance your physical performance. You'll be using your quirks to complete these tests."

"Ohhh," Gon said, stretching his legs and arms off to the side. "This is perfect for us, Killua!"

"Mhm." Since Killua's and Gon's Nen already enhanced their physical abilities, these tests would be a breeze for the two boys.

"I'll give you two another minute to warm up. We'll start right after I grab my clipboard." Aizawa started to walk to the benches where he kept his bag and supplies for the tests.

"Hey, Gon," Killua walked over to where Gon was standing.

Gon started to do some jumping jacks. "Hm?"

"I think we should tone down how much Nen we transfer to our bodies during these tests."


"Don't you think we should blend in with everyone else? Since we have an advantage over them with our... quirks."

"Oh, hmm... I didn't think about that." Gon stopped jumping for a minute. "I don't know. We haven't really seen who the most powerful guy here is. What if his quirk is stronger than our Nen?"

"That is true..."

"I would prefer you don't hold back." Aizawa had overheard them on his way back. "The tests are designed to measure your potential of both your raw power and quirk power. We need it to be as accurate as possible, so we can accurately take note of how strong you are."

Killua turned to Aizawa and responded, "Alright, but don't be too surprised when you see our scores."

Aizawa wondered just what he was in for with these two. "Okay, get to the start of the 50-meter dash."

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