~ 2: League? ~

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"Control your quirk!"

"Sorry, Tomura, I don't know what's happening."

Killua heard voices shouting in the near distance. His head had banged on the ground from when he had fallen out of the portal, and his vision was a little blurred.

"Well, look what you did! Take him away!"

"Sir, the destination he came from is unknown. I'm not sure how my warp gate got there in the first place."

Killua could make out that he was on the roof of a building. However, he couldn't make out who the men arguing near him were.

"Then figure it out! We don't have all day!"

The one yelling aggressively had a weird looking hand on his face, and the other one had purple smoke surrounding his body from what Killua could see. They were also wearing strange clothing. Killua could feel the chilly air that came with a slight breeze as he tried to clear his vision. It smelled like things had been burning.

The man with the purple smoke approached Killua. "Sorry, little boy. I accidentally brought you here."

"What the fuck?" Those were the first words to come out of Killua's mouth.

"Oh?" The man with the hand on his face smirked. "What a naughty mouth you have."

Killua got off the ground and dusted himself off. He looked around for Gon but didn't see him anywhere. Did he end up in a different place? Then he shifted his gaze to the two men and glared, sending a slight shiver down their spines.

"Kurogiri, maybe we keep this one. What do you say?"

"If you please, Tomura."

The man with the hand on his face, known as Tomura Shigaraki, grinned at Killua.

"Cut the crap," Killua said. "Who the hell are you?"

Shigaraki tapped a finger to his chin. "I suppose it's a good thing you don't know the League."

The League? Could they be a hunter organization? Killua thought. "Why did you bring me here? And where's my friend?"

"It was an accident," Kurogiri, the one with purple smoke around his body, responded. "My quirk has been malfunctioning recently, and I do not know why."

"Your quirk?"


Killua didn't know what he meant by that, but he decided it was unimportant. Right now, he had to figure out where he was. He peered down below the building and saw that there were a lot of fires, people screaming, and weird looking creatures wrecking the city. So that's where the burning smell is coming from... "Where am I?" He asked, alert and wary about the two weird guys on top of the building with him.

"Hosu City." Kurogiri said.

Killua had never heard of that place before, which was odd because Killua had studied maps before and was sure he knew all the locations.

"We're attacking it right now~" Shigaraki told him.

Killua looked over the building again to observe the creatures that were wrecking the city, the acrid smell of smoke filling his nostrils once more. "It definitely looks like you two are attacking the city."

"Those are our Nomu down there," Shigaraki said, mischief in his eyes. "We specially made them to be equipped with multiple quirks! One can even regenerate!"

That was the second time that word had been brought up. Is 'quirk' some sort of power? Killua thought. I can't believe I actually want the old hag here. Maybe she would know something about a quirk or whatever he said.

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